Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

798 The Practice of Piety. S. Lord,why did not the other Luk. 3. thiefe which hanged as neere 39 thee, amine the like mercy? Rom.9. C. Becaufe I leave whom I 18.22. will, to harden theta Blues in their lewdneffe to de( +ruaion; that all thould fen e, arnd none prelume. S. Lord wherefore daft thoei ®at,z 6. cry with filch aloud and firoeg voice art yeeldin r vp the aho}i; Ioh ] 0.1 8 C. That it might appeare, that no man Cooke my life from me, but that, I laid is down of Iracy felfe. S. Lord whereforedidfiz thou Lukea3. commend thy fotleintelby 4S ,thers hands? C. To teach thee what thou Iatz, ;.i fhouidefl doe, being to depart this life. S. Lord wherefore did the vaile of the Temple rend is twine at thy death? C. To (hew that the Leuiti- call Law Ihould bee no ton her a partition wall bctweene levees: Mat.t7. t. Eph z, a 4, i Heb, Bo,.