798 The Practice of Piety. S. Lord,why did not the other Luk. 3. thiefe which hanged as neere 39 thee, amine the like mercy? Rom.9. C. Becaufe I leave whom I 18.22. will, to harden theta Blues in their lewdneffe to de( +ruaion; that all thould fen e, arnd none prelume. S. Lord wherefore daft thoei ®at,z 6. cry with filch aloud and firoeg voice art yeeldin r vp the aho}i; Ioh ] 0.1 8 C. That it might appeare, that no man Cooke my life from me, but that, I laid is down of Iracy felfe. S. Lord whereforedidfiz thou Lukea3. commend thy fotleintelby 4S ,thers hands? C. To teach thee what thou Iatz, ;.i fhouidefl doe, being to depart this life. S. Lord wherefore did the vaile of the Temple rend is twine at thy death? C. To (hew that the Leuiti- call Law Ihould bee no ton her a partition wall bctweene levees: Mat.t7. t. Eph z, a 4, i Heb, Bo,. 9.ao.