Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

Soo There is about màs heart a skin cal - led Peri- cardium , c®taining water, which cooles & moiftens l ft it heart, C. To affure thee of two '1Ta things : a.. That by blond- fhould be Y Y fcorched fhedding,túftificatiansnd San =dvith co n- £ification were effeeted to tinuall fane thee: 2. That my Spirit motion ski is n by the confcionable vfe of the once ier- water in Baptifine , and blouol ced,man in the Eucharift, will effed in cannot thee righteoufneffe and holi- nee, by which thou (halt gio # colunnb.,4 rifle me. natom. tif., ;. Elora. de; S. Lord, wherefore did the nat./mica' grasses open at thy death? ,lib.a.eìarsr.; C. Tofignifie, that Death;,, .27 ; s'61 by my death,had now rrceiucd iMat, ) 7. his Deaths wound; and was o 1sz. uircome.: S. Lard, The Pratlice of Piety. C. To allure thee that I was flaine indeed, feeing my heart - bloudgu(hed out, .,& the water which compafied my heart , flowed forth after it which once fpilt,man mull needs die. S.Lsrd, wherefore ranne the blo fed fir.EE by * it idle, and the neater afterwards by it felfe, out of thy bleed wound? A