The PraE ce o f Piety. so$ S. Lord,zvherefore wou1deß Maa- thou be buried? J 6o. C. That thy limes might í . neuer rife vp to ludgement a- gainf+ thee. S. Lord, wherefore wouldet thou be buried by two fuel.) hono- rable bía.a.0 Senators, as Nicodecnus and Iofeph ofArirnathea? Ioh.19. C. That the truth of my 39)40 death ( the caufè of thy life) might more euidently appeare unto all. S. Lord,wherefore waft thou Ioh 194. buried in a newfepulcher,where- M a.z7.s in was neuer wan laid before? C. That it might appeare, that I; and not another arofe: and that by mine owne power, s;nbs not by anothers vercue; like a .3K. him who reuiued at the touch- ing of elifhaes bones. Mat x8,6.i S. Lord,where fore didf thou raffe vptby body againe? ¡ Ro f, C. That Chou maifi be afTu- red that thy Cannes are difchar- ged and that thou art iuflified. S. Lord; Ì