Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

o The- Pralice of Piety. rood man fuffereth:the feruant (loth the faualt, the iWaifler en- dures the flroke. What thall -I fay ? elan finned), and God diedi. O Son of God: who can fufficiendy exprefTe thy . loue? or»con mend thy pity? or extol. thy praife? I was proud and thou art humbled : I was dálobedat, and thou becamefl obedient: I did eat the fbr6iddes lite, and thou dida hang on the cuarred tree :.I played the Glutton; and thou dádg fad;1 Euillconcuai[nce drew me to cate thepleafant flpple,and per,, eri charity led thee to drinke of the bitter Cop.! afíayed the freetne fe cf the fruit, and thou diddeI taPc the 6itternefe of the gam . Fàolif Eue fmiled ,A hen I .laughed ;.but bleffccl Mary wept, when thy heart bled and died. O my God,here I fee thy goodne fe and my bad- wife thy IuM ice and my 'nit:- ,Iice : the impietie of myes they