Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The f rsttt. li"ce of Piety. may reduce me vnto thy f tuour, Mykiiftledience hath defèrued a great- reuenge, but his obedi- ence merits a.greater weight of mercy : for what can man deferue to fufer, which God, made mass, cannot merit to haue forgiuen? When I con - -der thegreatne f fe of thy Pa ffi. on,then do I fee the truenes of -that"faying; that lefafs Ch>rijl came -into the World to Flue the chiefef inners. Dare + thou then,O Cain,fay,that thy finnes itre greater then may be foci- u ? thou lycfl like 'a m rtherer. The mercies of one t hrift, are able'to forg:ue a whole world of Gains, if they will bbeleene and rcpenr.T ]e (lanes o all%nners are finite : the .mercies of God are infinite. Therefore, O Fa. ther, for the bitter death and bloudy pat ot) fake, which thy Son lefus Oral lath fuflered for me, and I hate now "re- iuembred vnto thee, pardon and