Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Practice ofPiety, and forgiue thou vnto mee all my finnes,an.i deliuerrne from the curie and vengeance which they haue iuftly deferued: and through his merits, make mee O Lord,a partaker of thy mer- cte. It is thy mercy that lfo earnefily knocl`e for. Neither, (hall mine importunitie cafe to call and knocke, with the man that would borrow the loattes; vntill thou arife and open unto mee thy gate: of grace. And if thou wilt not be(aow on mee the loaves ; yet O Lord, deny mee not the crumsofthy mercy, and thofe ' (hail fufl3ce thy hungry hand. maid. And Geeing thou requireft nothing for all thy .benefats, but that I loue thee in the truth I my inward heart; (whereof a new Creature is the trueft etst- zrardteftimony) and that it is as ea(ie for thee to make meea new creature, as to bid me: to be