Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

Thél°atisof Piet y. oar be.fuch: Create in rne,O.Chri í new f east, 4nd renew in mee a new fpirit: açd then thou (halt fee how (mortifying old Adam and his corrupt tuffs) I will ferne thee as thy new Creature, in a new life; after a new way:with a new tongue, and new manners: with new words; and new workes ;to the . glory of thy Name, and the winning of other finfull foules vnto the Faith by my delimit example. Keepe me for euer, O my Sauiour; from the torments of Hell, and Tyranny of the Deiüll. And when I am to de- part this rife, fend thy Holy.', 4ngelr to carry me, as they did the foule of Lazarus,into tioy Kingdome. Receiue mee then into that moil ioyfulI P- rad'i!e,Which thou didP pro- mile vnto the penitent thiefe: which at his lafl gafpe vpon the Crof'e, fo deuoutly beg- ged ,