VEa.9, Eplsefiaus,Chap. iç. 105 wifdome. Commonly the molt Chriftians are counted good men,god wot, butfimple foules, ofno parts : the wifdome ofGod is folly with the world ; it islike thewaters ofShiloh, which becaufe it giveth not the loud report, like thefe humane wifdomes, it is not in requeft with menofcarnal! judgement. Let this weakneffebe farre from us. This wifdome makeththe face toThine, is able to farisfie the foule, icare to know nothing,but Chrift,andhim crucified; yea,to fave the foule eternally, bringing it toendleffe glory. Such who have thewifdome to get ho- nours and treafure here on earth, they laugh at all learning befides, incomparifonofthis, counting that skill folly, whicha man may have and yet goe bare-foote. But how truelymaywe deeme al that wifdome folly,whicha manmay have, and yet lofe hisowne foule Having difpatched the three circumances, whichwere included in VERSO. 9; the former werfe, we come now unto the fourth in this Yerfe; namely, the manner of working this wifdomeidus, in thefe words [Having openedunto us the myfieryofhis will.] Which isamplified:s.By the caufe, Godsgoodpleafure,the freedome whereofis argued in thewords follow- ing ; whichhe purpofedin himfelfe;notconfidering any thingin us which might move him unto it. Hereis nothing needeth explication, unlefïe thofe words ; the myffiery ofhis will. Which phrafe dothnote out the hidden wifdome, which the pleafureofhiswill ordained to our glory, and is for matter all one with the wordoftruth, the Gofell offalvation, werfer3. Thefummeis. Which fo rich benefits ofwifdome and under'landing he didwoke inus, when now he hadopenedonto us thatfecret wifdome whichhis willbad ordained,toour glory ;that Goffell falvation, whichhedid out ofhis gracious pleafure, which within himfelfe,net lookingat any thing inus,hepurpledtoward us. Obferve fiat ; God workethPavingwifdome in none, to whomhe DO17. openeth not the doctrineofwifdome,the Gofpellof falvation: As God did promife that the hearts ofthe foolifh fhould underftand ; fo likewife hedid promife, that all ofus fhouid be taught of him : And lookeas the precepts ofGrammar, and doltrine ofLogicke, muff be madeknown and opened unto us,before wecangetthe Art or wifdomeofGrammar and Logicke ;fo it is,we mutt have unfolded thedatrine ofGods Paving wifdome, before we can have wrought in us the divine qualityofthis wifdome, which commeth from above. For further underftanding, it is fit to confider what things this opening ofthe Gofpel comprehendeth in it, orhowGod doth open thisPaving wifdometo us. r.0utwardly, by propounding the doétrine ofit unto our cares, which he doth by his Minifters :for this caufe Minifters are called fuch as teach others in wifdome,Col. a.the end.Suchas feedwithwifdome and under'landing, ler. Such as make wife,as it is,Dan.1x.3. For though itbe read, wife,theword hath an aelive fignification, andimportethto make wife, or bring to wifdome, as thenext word doth not fignifie juft men, but fuch as turne others to righteoufneffe. Even as in great Schooles, thereare inferiour Vfliets, as well astheprincipali Matter ; fo it is here : It pleafethGod by