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The Do&tines of this Treatife, theLord lofaisChriFt. powerof Godwhichworkethinthem, 3 Faithand loveare neverdisjoyned , but ¡ z They in whom thepower of Godworketh caeach inhand one with another, 4 The loveoftrue beleevers it fet on the Saints,yea onall the Saints. Verge 16. Doet.r. Thegraceof God in othersmull moveChriflians, efpecialy tlWiao fliers to bethankefullto (jod, 2 Chriffians are to help each other with prayer,efpecialyMinifers theirconver- tedpeople. 3 Wemuff with perfeverance follow God in thofe things weprayfor. Verfe 17. DoEt. t , Wee mufffa confider rod, when we come to him inprayer,as thatwe may fee himin the things wedelire. 2 Eventrue beleevers have great want of heavenlywifedome, 3 Wehaveneednotonly ofwifdome where- by tounderfland, but of light manife- fling the fpirituall things which are to be underffoodofeis. 4 It is even Cod by thefpirit ofChrifl, whoworketh inus all truewifedome. s To grow up in the acknowledging of Chrifl, is the way to attain the more fnllmeafuroofthe f irit in everykinde. Verle IS. Doa.i. Theywhofefpiritualllight isre- flared, haveneed(till todepend on God, that their eyes may befurther andfur- therinlightned by him. z Even truebelieversknow not at frf1, in any meafure, chafe hopes which are kept in heavenfor them. 3 There is nogrounded hope, but anyof faith things as godhach cagedus to ob- tain:. 4 The inheritancekept for as is abundantly glorious. S The Saints are they to whom belongeth theheavenly inheritance. Verle t 9. Dote1.a. rods believing Children know notatfr/f anything clearey thegreat are truebelievers. 3 It is theeffellisall working ofGodsal- mightypower, which bringeth us to be- lieve. Verle so. Dol',. T. Thefelfe-famepowerputforth in raifng Chrisî our head is thatfngu- larpower which ra.feth us, z goddoch leade his dearefl children to the depth ofmifries, before hefend re- liefe, 3 God never fo leaveth his , butthat he fendeth falvation in due time, 4 God cloth make the abafement of his children dee the forerunners of their greatcfIglory, Verfe zI. Do& r, Our Saviour Chriff as man, is taken to have prerogative before every .other creature, z Chrift not oney as Ead,6ut see manalé, bathpowerover everycreature. 3 Chrifb is crowned with glory at Gods right hand before and above allthings. 4 There is a world to come , in which Chrifl andthole who are Chrilts, /hall reignfor ever. Verfe so, Dolt, i, Chrifl ismade asa head, having f a more Here and communicativefove- raignety over believers , then over any other. z God of his grace highrat only given us a head , butfleshahead to whom all things arefubjeti. Verle z3. D061.1. eilsChrifl is theheadof delee- vers,fo they are hisbody, and every be- lieving foule a member of this body, whereofhe is the head. z Chrifl dothnot count himfelfefull and compleate,withooetall hisfaithful!mem- bers, 3 Whatfoever thing isinns at Chriffians, allofit isfram Chriff. A