Ephefiaru,Chap. I. falling , and fo have proved him without falling , why he did choofe to fet him infuch, in which hedid forefee that he would fall certainly 2: That about which an aft of Gods will is occupied, that thing is willed: Gods permiflion is anad ofhis will,and is occupied about fin, the entring or beingof it: Ergo, this is willed. The firti part isplaine ; as love, hatred, feare,cannotbe about any thing,but the thing muff be loved,feared,hated; fo here,neither doth man permit any thing, havingpower to withftand it,but he iswilling with it. Now permiflion is fo anobjeEi ofwill, that it is likewife an adofwill, converfant about that whichit permitteth. 3. He who prohibiting any thing, nilleth it or willeth it (hall not be, he permitting any thing willeth it (hall be. But Goddoth evernill that which he hindereth. 4. That which God fo permitteth that he bathhisend inpermitting it, that he willeth ; for what ever bath an end, that fofar forth is good : whatever inany degree is good,that fofar forth is a fit objeilofthe di- vine wil:ButGod permitting fin hathhis end,why he willpermit it,as all grant. S. Hee who willeth the antecedent, on which an other thing doth infallibly enfue, he doth will that which followeth alfo: As God cannot willthe beingofthe Sunne, but he muff will theillumination following it. But God willeth to permit, on which infallibly followeth the fin permitted ; otherwife God might permit, and the thingper- mitted not happen,which is abfurd tothink;for then hemight deliver a perfon up to finne, and he not fall into thefinne into whichbee is delivered : For though the a&ion offree -will come betweene Gods permiflion, delivering up, and the finne to which we are delivered and permitted, yet God dothnever permit, but that the creaturewil fall mofi Infallibly to that which ispermitted. 6. Hee who cannot but eitherwill that finne fhouldbe,or will that it fhould not be,he bath willed that it fhould be:But Godmuff either wil ir,or nill it , Ergo.Hewhole omnipotency is in thebeingofall things, he muffwill the beingofall things:Godsomnipotencie is in the being of every thing : for looke asif his knowledge be notin every thing, he were not omnifcient;and lookeas if his prefence were not in every thing, he were not omniprefent;fo ifhis powerfull will worke not in every thing, he is not omnipotent. 7. No defeétof an inferiourinftrument; can troublethe workeofan all- knowing and almighty Artificer ; For the inffrument cannot doe any thing,nor yet faile in any thing,without his fufferance andknow- ledge: But a defeC inan Initrument,not intended and chofenby the Artificer, doth diffurbehis worke ; ThereforeAdamsdefeCion from Gods order., was not without the will and intentionofGod. Í 8. That which maketh Gods providence more impeded toward man,is not tobe graunted : But to fay,God letteth man fall into finne without