I36 , 8' phejsanf,Chap.i. VE R. 13. towards us : for this is not brought in as the end ofGodspredeftination, but ofour obtaining an inheritance in Chrift : Our faith, our redemp- tion, our glorification, all is to the glory of Chrift : Even as it is the glory ofKings to have theirfubjeíts yeeld them homage, and fweare them allegiance; fo this obedience of faith, is a fpirituall homage which the fubjeEts of Chrifts kingdome doe yeeld unto him. Our redemption,whether we lookeat the thing it felfe wrought,ortheinten- tionofhimworking it, is to the praifeofhisglory.IfPrinces out oftheir clemency fend and ranfome force fubjeéts, the very deede is muchto their glory ; fo it is in this redemption ofChrift. Now the end why we are bought with .a priceboth foule and body, is, that in bothwe might glorifie him ; the inheritance given us, is to the praife of his glory, yea, all the glory that (hall be put upon us in heaven, (hall be his glory. Looke as the inheritances, dignity, riches, glorious pompe of fubjeíts,is to thepraifeofthe gloriousbountyand power of thofe Kings to whomthey live fubjeít; So here, fee z Tbef. a. The end why we receive this inheritance of light,is,Thatwe mightfitforthhis verrues,Fho bath calledus into admirable light, and that it might fo Chin forth before others, that theymight glorifie GodandChrift. yf r; Let usthen endeavour our felves to Pet forth the praife of him who doth give us all thofe fpirituall benefits, in which we partake. Let our words, let our workes, let our wholeman be at hiscommand, fervice- able tohim.The Church inthe Canticles Ilse doth fo praife the beauty ofher fpoufe, that the awaketh others: We should fo from our hearts Pet out the praife of our Chrift, that others might by our means be brought to inquireafter him, and aske, Whois thybeloved ? Thofewho findebounteous Lords on earth, how will they tell of their affability, liberality, ofevery circumftance wherein they doe them any grace and favour e How will they proteft themfelves devoted to their fervice, drinking healths upon their knees to them:' how impatient ofany thing which dothfo muchas in thew tend to their difparagement a What a fhame is it that wefhould walke, neither feeling our hearts affected, nor yet opening our mouths to praife him who bath redeemed us, and brought us to the hope ofan tmmortall, incorruptibleinheritance e Vartsa 13. Having in the endof the fixt verfe (hewed, that all of us cometo receive in Chrift the grace Chewed in time, as well as that whichwas givenus before all worlds; heBoth prove it, Phil, from benefitsgiven to the Jewes, unto this thirteenth verfe ; Secondly, from benefits bellowed on the Gentiles. Now this matter is firft handled limply, to the endof this firft Chapter ; Secondly, is fet downe comparatively, illuftrated from their former eftatein mifery. Now in Petting downe the benefit, wee rauft firft marke the benefit it felfe, which they are laid to have received; Secondly, the effeft whichthis mercy(hewed them had in Paul, whom it moved to pray for them. In the benefit, thefe particularsareobfervable. s.Inwhom theyreceived it,in Chrifl. z.Who receive it, evenye; for this ciscumítance (yee) is fet out as it were in text letters; (Tea) who were beforowithout God in the worldwhowalked in