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V 8 R.19 Ephefiauf,Chap.1. 175 Firft, that there preparationsarenot abfolutelyneceffary, for wefee that GodBoth give to infants fanétifying grace, inwhomnone of theft preparative operations can take place. Secondly,we doe notfind that theyhave been alwaies ufed,and ther- fore this matter is to be underftood as a thing molt commonly falling forth,not otherwife : Howwas Matthew calleckeven at hiscuftome, he followedprefently, not as Judi, but as a true convert to Chrift ; foin Lydia: for life and death beingfuch contraries as have no third thingbe- tween them, which dothpartake in them both,the one may be changed into the other,without any thing preparatory. All things which God doth prepareto the receivingofGrace, and commingto him,theymake not of themfelves any thing to the intro- ducing ofGrace further then God intendeth this effcét by therm : Feare of hell,confcience of (inne, never fuch affliäions, morali parts, and all gifts which may be without fandifying Graceand true beleef, many haveall there, who yetnever turne unfeignedly to God. When the fick- nefí'c is now grownegreaterin quantity, this abfolutelytaken, maketh the patient further of health. But the Phyfitian may intend this, becaufe hedoth fee his medicine will thebetter workeon it, and educe ir,when it is growne to filch ri eneffe. If a man fall out of a dead Palfie into a light Phrenfie,Phrenf eofit felfe is no preparation to health, but to the phyfitian who can worke on him more fitly in this taking then in the other, it may be a preparative tohealth : Thus to be like an aguifh man on hisgood dayes, or like to fome madde men in the time oftheir inter- millions, is in it felfe as farre from flare ofhealth, os otherwife ; but yet the Phyfitianmayde fuch a Rate,as a way to health, choofing rather to deale withhim in this taking, then in thefitte. Thusit is not the height of finne ; it is not feare ofhell, though contrary to the Apoplexie of deep fecuritie ; it is not a morall courfe, which commeth not from true fan.tification,that ofthemfelves can makeneerer the (lateofgrace, but only in regard ofGod, who doth intend to turne them hereunto. Thus if God flirre up a man to live according to the light ofnature vertuoufly, it may be in regard of Gods intention, a preparing him to receive fur- ther Graceofeffeétuall vocation ; but all a man can doe from naturali ftrength,ofit felfe profiteth nothing. Fourthly,that whereeffeduall railingup the heartto faith beginneth, there Godspreparative works take an end : for as that which prepares the ground for feede, now ceafeth when the feed is to be fowne ; fo all there things,whichas theyare preparations doe nothing but fit the foyle of the heart for Gods effeltuall calling tobe given, they have their end when this immortall feed commeth to be fowne in us:belide that,a man is no fooner called, then he receiveth a fpirit offaith,bywhichhe is,as by anew heavenly forme, in fome manner quickned. Fiftly,ThePapifts doEtrineis here very defeétive, and falle inpart; Defeétive,forthey fpeak nothingofpreparatory courfes,bywhich God doth bring us to come untohimby faith, but of fuch likeoperations by which God prepareth us, and wee prepare our felves to be juftified,: Now