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190 Ephefians,Chap.t. VER.20.21. anddignity ; He isat the right hand, in the heavens, before and above all things ; This is plaine, that this his foveraignty is a confequent fol- lowing on his afcenfion intoheaven : It is plaine likewife that he is fo afcended into heaven, that theheavens muff containe him till he come to judgement, AStIS 3. Looke as Kings are crowned in the chiefeCi. ties oftheir Kingdomes,and keepe theirrefidence in their Palaces neere unto them; So it was decent that our Saviour fhould be crownedin this heavenly lerufalem, and keepe his refidence asit wereinhis hea- venlymanfion. Yfe x. This fhould draw up our hearts to heaven, whither our Saviour is entred,where he now fttteth in Majefty. Should wehave fomefriends highlyadvanced, though in parts very remote from us, we would long to fee them, and make ajourney to them. This doth afireus that all we who are Chrifs, (hall in due time be brought to heaven,wherehe is ; the head and members muff not ftill be divorced:befide that,heprayed that where he is,there we fhould bealto, labn r7. 3. We fee Ubiquity and all reali prefence (as reali is oppofed to fpiritu- all, not to be an imaginary prefence)we fee it overthrown.For if he fit in heaven at Godsright hand, thenro fit at Gods right hand isnot tobe made every whereprefent; forhe could not be faid to be made every wherein the heavens,without a contradiétion,no n.ore thento bemade infinite within limited bounds of being. I take it for granted, that the heavens can frgnifie nothing but a place limited for the extent ofit;And it is againft the Papifts a fufficient reafon, He is afcended and fitteth in Heaven.Ergo, he is not here, according totheAngels teafoning,Mattb. z8.6.He is not here, for he is rifen : they did not know this new Philo- fophy, that Chrift might berifen from that place, and yet be corporally prefent in it too. Doíb_ Laftly, marke the diftindtionof worlds. Obferve, there is a world to come,in which Chrift,and thofe who are Chrifts, (hall reigne for ever: This worldwaxethold,the fafhionofit paffeth,it is called the prefent e- vili world;but there is aworld to come inwhichall things (hall be refto. red,which God hathmade fubjeEl to his Chrift,asthe heyreofit,Heb.i. 8.inwhich we fball be ioynt- heires with him. Abrahamhada protnife, not onely of feed , but that he fhouldbeheyre ofthis world , a type where- of the land of Canaan was ; evenas thefirlt Adam, and all that came fromhim,had aworld, this in which we are, prepared for them : So the fecond Adam, and all thatare.his, have a world alto belonging unto them. y ¡e. Let usthen comfort our felves in this, though in this prefent evill world we fuffer many things,there is a worldwhich (hall lafle for aye, in which we (hall reigne with Chrift, bltffèd for ever :In this world to come fhall all teares be wiped from our eyes,and all our finnes be fo forgiven, that there 'hall be no fiep nor print appearingof them : for- given, not in regard offentence onely interloquutory, but in regardof full declaration and execution, to which thatplace inMast betv feemeth to