Ephefianr,Chap.t. VER.22. falsch,that is whichmaketh full himwho fHerhalls» all. The firft thing to be obfervedis,that Chrift is madeas a head,having a more neere and communicative foveraignty over beleevers, then o- ver anyother. Lookeas the King hath a more intimate and amiable fu- periorityand regiment overhis Queene then over any other fubjedt ; fo it is herein Chrift our King, wholedominion toward hisChurch,which is his Queeneand fpoufe,is more amiably tempered and neerelyaffe&ed, then is his government over any other: This will appeare byconGde- ringhow much neerer and communicative he is to us then to Angels, creatures otherwife moftexcellent. Firft, looke as thenaturall head and membersare of the felfe-fame fpeciall kìnde fornature, the head (land. eth ofskinne, flefh,bones, and fodoe the members alto : this it is that Chrift is one withus, in regard he hath taken the felt-fame nature with us, ftanding as well of that which is outward and fenfitive, as ofthat which is inward and intelleétuall : In this he comment neerer us then Angels; he woke not thenatureofAngels,but thefeedofAfrah4fre Hehr.a. Secondly, Chrift doth by his fufferings procure for us all bleffings fpirituall and temporall,maketh apurchafc ofthem withhis blond:Now he in hisdeath refpc&ed not Angels in like kinde ; that lookeas Kings provide many thingsfor their Queens,which theydoenot forother fub- jeCts,fo doth Chrift for us. Thirdly,he dothunite us to himfelfemore neerely then Angels; they are united to him by knowledge and love, fuchas doecome from the power of that underftanding and love which they haveoftheir owne from the firft creation:but we are united here by knowledgeoffaith and love 5 hereafter by glorious light & love,fuch asChrift himfelf by his fpi- rit begetteth in us ; as the members of the body are united with nerves and finnewes; fuch bands astake their beginning from the head. Fourthly,heBoth communicate with us that whole lifeof graceand glorywhich wehave,and !hall receive, as the naturall members haveno fenfeor motion which floweth not intothem from the head : But the Angels have a bleffed life ; for thefubftance not comming to them by Chrift,confidered as amediator,even that bleffed life in which firli they werecreated,that which commeth to them is onely an augmentationof happinefl'e: their illuminationand their4ybeing in many regards much increafed ; they who learn, by that theyobferve in the Church falling out, what doe they hearethinkeweby injoyingthe pretence of God- man, now afcended and glorified c and they who joy in heaven at the converfron of one finder, how many waies by Chrift is their joy inlarged l Fiftly, he doth not dire l them as he doth us ; he dothgoverneand dire& them as a Kingdoth voluntary ready fubje&s; byan external! fig - nification of his will onely; but he doth dire& and move us,outwardly by fignifyinghiswill,inwardly by fending his fpirir,which might move uswith efficacy to that hee fheweth, as a naturall headdoth the mem- bers ofit. Sixtly,