194 VEIL s E,s3, Dodf,z, Ephefianl,Chap. t. V E R.23, have that they have, not for themfelves onely, bnt for the whole body; Thus the Stomacke hath meats, the Liver blood, fuch is the Head: Nowit were an unnatural part for thefe,to keep that theyhave to them- felves,as for the Liver to keep inall thebloodandnot impartit bywines to the refl of the body;fo Chrift(who cando nothingwhichBothnot be- feeme him)he having for all ofus thefulnefs ofgraceand glory,accord- ingto that, Pfal.r6.a. (My goodrs for the Saints ;he cannot but bemoff ready tocommunicatewith us everything that is good : onely let us re- new our faith and repentance, that fo we flop not the paffage of this fpirit from this our head : If the naturali head ofthe naturali body be never fo ful of fpirits,iftheveffelsthat conveigh it,be once obitrueled,as in the Palfey, thebody then is without fence and motion : Wemay ap- .ply it toour felves, &c. Obferve fecondly, that he faith, this our head is over a11: Whence note, that God ofhis grace, hash not onely given us a head, but filch ahead, to whom all things arefubjeél ; he who mull be aPaving head to us, there is great neede he fhould be over all : Could he not binde that thongone , and caufe him re-deliver his poffefliion, how fhould wee bee ever Pet at liberty e Could he not diffolvetheworke ofSatan, fwallow updeath , create life and quicknance in us, our cafe were la- mentable. This is to be marked ; for it is a fpurre to thankfgiving: It is grace (hewed* Commonwealth when wanting a head it bath a tolerableone bellowed : But when God doth, as he did by us, give us a King, great before his entertainment amongfl us, whole power might the better procure our weale, and fecure our peace, this is a double mercy : fo it is to give us a head, yea, a head over all, fo mighty that wee may fleepe on each care, without feare of any e- nemy. Secondly,thisdoth Phew us a ground ofconfidence : What need we feare any creature, who have him that is over every creature e if hebe outs, who canbe againli us ! Looke as Qeenes on earth, they feare not fubjeels difpleafure,becaufe they are fo neerely united tohimwhoconi- mandeth every fubjed : fo it may be with every true member ofthe Church, ifour unbeleevinghearts faynot nay. Which is the holy.] Obferve, that as Chrift is the head ofbeleevers, fo they are hisbody, andevery beleeving foulea member ofthis body, whereof he is the head. Beleevers are fo faid the body, as the body flandeth in oppofition to the head, not as it includeth the head within the compaffeofit, accordingly as we ufe it when we fay here lyes filch a mans body, forhere we put body for an effentiall part of filch a mans perfö,not as oppofed to the head,but as including the headwith the rei of the members, under the conception ofit : But the Church is faid to be a body, as the body is diflinguifbed from the head, whofe body it is, and ergo, it is fo Paid thebody, that Chrift who is the beadof this body is diftinguifhed from it. Now the multitudebt beleevers are fitly it) called; for as in abody are divers members, having their feverall faculties for the good ufe of the whole ; fo in 'the Church there are