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VER.23. Ephegan.r,Chap. t. 195 are divers kindesofmembers, fome taught,fome teaching, fomegover- ning, force governed, force diftributing, yea, every member hath as it were his diftineî grace, whereby he may ferve to the good ofthe whole. But for further clearing ofthis, I will fhewwho are ofalready, and belonging to thisbody. Secondly, In what regard every beleever may bee Paid amember of the body ofChrift : To the firft I anfwer, that thofe onely are his body,who are fo joyned tohim,or areby Gods effeEtuall calling fo to be joyned to him, that they !hall finde falvation in him;or thofe who have,or (hall proceedby fpirituall regeneration from him, andgrow up toaperfeci man in him, Eph.S. He is called the head of the Church,and the Saviour ofhis body :Asthe Church and his body, fo his headfhip and falvation being ofequall extent ; to whichpurpofe he faith,/oh. 6. That it is the will ofthe Father,that he fhouldnot lofeany of thefwho aregiven him,but that he fhouldbothbegin andFried their falvation, even raife them up to life eternal' at the lait day : Or,thisbo- dy is the multitude of fuch as haveor (hall, in fpirituall manner proceed fromChrift, and growup in him : for as all who have defcended, and !hall defcend from thefirft Adam, are acompleat bodynatural!, under Adam the head and root ofthem, (I takenaturali, as it may beoppofed to " dams perfonall body;) fo the multitude ofthofe children who are given to this fecond vldam, (Loe I and the children whom thou haft given mee,)they make up the whole body, whereof Chrift the fecond ,.,idam, is thehead. For though there be vertue in Chrift, able to have procured the falvationofothers, and though there bea paflive capacitie in all mankinde to be convertedby him,upon fuppofitionGod would fo have determined ; yet can he not be faid a head of any, but thofe onely whom God hath deftinated to convert and bring to falvationby him ; as it is in the firft vtdam, who cannot be faid a headof any, but who are and (hall in time atlually, according to Gods determination , be propagated from him, though there wanteth not in t.ildam and his, both agenerative force, and matter paflive,of which many others might be ingendred, if God had beene fo plea- fed to ordain.To the fecond,the faithful' are fitly Paid a body,inas much as they have connexion with Chrift, the fpirit which commeth from Chrift, uniting it felfewith them,and fo making them onewith Chrift, that though betweene us and his body, there is a bodily difiance, which is not in the head and members of a body naturali, yet the fpirit which commeth from him, doth fo joyneus with him, that no- thingcornmeth twixt him and us; that looke as the body of the Sunne being farre diftanr, nevertheleffe the lightthat commeth from it, doth immediately unite it felfewith our fight ; fo it is that Chrift bodily in heaven,yet the fpirit comming from him,doth immediately fo joyne it felfewith the faithful! foule, that it maketh the faithful' foule Onealto withChrift,whofe fpirit itis. 2. The fame life ofgrace for kinde which is in Chrift, is in every faithfull foule ; as the fame fenfeand motion which isinthe head,is for kinde inthebody alfo;forlookeas that fire kindled,isofthe fame nature S a with T.