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11 5 1 $ ephe f i ans,Chap . i , V F:i . be obfcured. For the clearer openingofthis point,two things are here to be confidered. Firft,Whatthe thingsare wherewithhe filleth us. Secondly how we come to be filled. z. The things are, all that fulneffe ofGod, which beginneth in grace, is then perfebìed inglory when God !hall be all in all. More parti- cularly, he Both fill us with righteoufnefleand life ; for every thing filleth other with fuch as it felfe bath : Now as the firft Adam fil- leth his with finne anddeath ; fothe fecond Adam bath treafured in him righteoufneffe and life for all that are his ; therefore he is faid, Daniel 9.24. to have taken away finne, and brought to us eternal! righteoufneffe; and he is faid, a Tim.r.r o. to have tooke away death, and brought to light life and immortality; the life, is either the lifeofgrace, or of glory; the life of grace, is inward, or outward: The inward grace ofChrift, being that which doth dwell in the foule, principally changing it, in the underftanding, will and affeélions of it : which doth alto fecondarily fhewit felfein thebody , both making the outward man more amiable and awful! ; Wifdome maketh the face to Thine; and alto fubjeéling the members of it to it felfe,fear they become weapons ofrighteoufneffe, Rom. 6. Even as that cloud of Gods prefence, firft filled thefan ìttary, and thence fpread it felfe'into the whole houfc; So the foule, being firftfilledwith all knowledge and geod'neffe,Rem. r 5. 4.theybreake out thence, andPhew themfelves in the body, as the outward temple; Know ye not, your bodies are the tem- ples of the holy Chofl ? Now the external' grace which we receive from Chrift,is that whereby we are in this or that flare and condi- don; fome teachers, fome governours, fome taught and governed. Even as the natural' force ofAdamdoth frame the matterofthe natu- ral' body, one part intoan eye, another into a hand, &c. fo this is from Chrift that the multitude of Gods chofen, who are the matter of his body myfticall, fome are made members ofone kinde, fomeof ano- ther. The life of glory is that which we looke for from Chrift in the heavens, both for fubftance and circumfiance of ir. For locke as we have, not onely from our parents, a natural' life for the fob. Rance, both offoule and body, but alto all the circumftantiall joy, which from times, places, creatures are incident to us : So we fhali have inChrift, and from him,not onely that glorious light of under- 'landing and love,wherewith we !hail love God,now feeing him as heis: not onely thofeglorious endowmentsof thebody,whereby it fhal become prong,immortáll,glorious,fpirituall, but all the circumftantiall joy which Thal!in heaven be incident toour eftates now glorified, we fhall be filled with it all through him. For the fecondpoint, howwe come to befilled : Thefethree things muftbe obferved.Firfi,thatall fulneffeis in Chrift, whohath received it without meafure ; We have it from him according to the meafureafhi gift, Joh. r.Ëph.4. As the Tonnehathfulneffe of light, inthat perfection which doth agree to light; the Moone bath light fromtheSunnein that