zoo Ephefians,Chap.t. VER.s3, This doth teach us to come to Chrifl. Bountifull Lords want none toretain to them, happy is he who may fhrowd himfelfeunder their wings : Shall we not preffewith reverence to this Lordof Lords, who doth fill all in all with his fpiriti all bleffings, who keepeth an open houfe, inviteth, Ho, whomever thirfleth, let him come and drinke, yea drinkefreely the haters oflife, and Iohn 7.37. Whofoever commeth to me, I will not call him forth ? Chrift may complaine as he did fometime with thatpeople ofthe Jewes, Howoft wouldIhavegatheredyon, butyou wouldnot? Sohe may fay tous, How oftwould I have had you, blinde, naked, miferable bynature, come to me, that ye might be filled with righteoufneffè and life, butye have refufed t Well, did we knowwhat we are called to, and what wemight finde inhim, then wouldwe come and be fuitcrs to him,lohn4. a o. But alas, this is hid from oureyes.