TheDo&trines ofthis Chapter. Verle., 8. Doú. c. The wordhash takenplace one y infuch ashave acct ffe to God. z ByChriflenelyme haveacceffewithbold- nefe to God. 3 It sa the fpirit.which doch enable no to come to Godinpraaer. Verfé 19. Do4. i. They that beleeve are cometobe ofone city withall the Saints. z trill the beleeving are conjoyned among themfelves atmembers ofonefemiy. Verfe zo. D621. i . Faithmakethus to leave on Chrlff At abuilding on foundation. z The Church it burls on Chrifl. 3 TheOdell f butldethno on no otherfoun- dation then that which was laydby the Prophetsfrom the beginning. 4 Whatfoever io to be beleeved, it muff havepropheticall andApoffolicallautho- rity, y Wemuff relyon Chrifl ac afore founda- tionto uphold on. Verle 2T, Do&4. i. There isateciallw fdomerequi- red in tho fe that are todi fpenfe the doc- trineofFaich. I Thefaithful/ haveamoll frai,ant! even conjoint-lionwith Chrifl andone withano- ther. 3 Thofe that arebeleevers, they grow up from day today. 4 Beleeverscannot final l fall, or beutterly extinEl. y Beleevers areatempleforGothhabitation. 6Beleevers muffbefamlifiedthroughoia, 7 It is the vertue of God our-Lord which doch buildup andencreafe thenumber oe beleevers. Verle zz. D.o61. t. The beleeving have the Lord dellwith them. z Bybeing built on Chri, we come tobe dwellingfor God, The /frit of Saftlificationmal¿,eth noa fithabitationfor'Gad, A