C¡J(fCyJJ:J¡(,C:¡JC'j::q?i1.4'64.'JCÌ''J¿r.:'4%C'^C,X..9;°'_,9[,(a9y9 J wAvkV,W,`t, EWV,$3e$FL$flYN el 63ItEa x>äc.CaFi-az=. Ë-, Ex? 3L`i i$- a=3r rp A COMMENTARY VPON THE SECOND CHAPTER OF THE Epiftle of S. PAUL to the Ephefians. CHAP.2. VE N. I. t.dndyou hathhe quickned that were dead in trejbaJts andfns. He Epiftle (as I (hewed) is divided into three parts ; t. ThePreface. a. The Matter. 3. The Conclufi. on. The matter is propounded generally, verfe . Prrfcured from the beginning of the fourth verfe, to the z t. verfeof the trot Chap. It is either Doetri- nall, or Exhortatory. The DoEtrinall is compre- hended in thefoure firft Chapters,in whichthe be- nefits the Elett enjoy by Chrift, arc laid down(im- ply, Chap. t . Comparatively in this Chapter ; withall the fcandall of the Crofle removed, that thefethings might thebetter be received. Now this Chapter dothcontain thefetwopropofitions ; t, That we, when dead in fin, were railed up in Chrift, tover. t o. 2. A deduétion hence, which inferreth the happy eftateofthe Ephefians. There words hang as a proofe ofthat power which is put forth towardea that beleeve, Chap. t,ver. t 9. in this manner : In fuch,whobeing fometimedead, are railed up, (ver. 6. Te areletis heavenwith Chrifi) here workethno leffe power then that which railed Christ from the dead : But you alfo (not onely Chrift, but you) hath God quickned, &c. Therefore there is an exceeding power manifefted in you. Suchwhom God (being dead) bath railed upin Chrift; luch, what- foever they have been, are near to God in Chrift, having entrance unto God in Chrift. Bayouhavebeen quicknedand railedup, andfet in hea- venly places in him : Therefore remember, that whatfoever you have been, you arenow thusand thus inChrift. T Now , 20 I Order ofthis Chapter. Matter. Árgumctat r. 2.