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VE R. 2. Ephefianr,Chap, t. 205 thus much, that the cuftome of their trefpaffes did hold themunder death ; even asthemore the body putrifies,it goeth further into death ; -- So here, the more the fouledoth exerciCe it felf in evill, the deeper it finketh into the deathof it. It is fitly likened to the(tone of the Sepul. chre, (I meanthis cuftomeofauall finning) for it doth feal us up, and keep us downmore firongly under it; upon this ground the Prophet ask- eth, Howfha4'the Leopard change his lotr, thofethat are accuflomed todoe evil!, learne to doe well? ler. t 3.23 Whichmutt makeus take heed, howwe goe on in a finfull courfe ; rii. forit makethus rotin fpirituall death, and makechit more difficult for us to return.Many that procraftinate repentance,they think not on this. Bcwue of (3/,',' ciihomeofs. whereinye walked] Obferve what is the life ofthe unregenerateper- fon, it is a walk, or courfe, orfull race in tranfgreffion ; for this phrafe of walking, is foto be taken as the gradation inthefirft Pfalme ; it is more then to Rand, and doth fignifie anhabitualiconverting : fo it is taken v,ER 2, Dolt. Gen.6.9. Noah walked withGod. Whatfoever they occupy themfelves in, it is all fin ; not one that slothgood, none that canpo>fiblydoe any thing truly good, till the heart be purified by faith. W tfoever the naturali man can thinkof,it is either apparent vertue, or mañifelt vice. Ifhe walk in outward vertue,he walketh in gliftering fins, ifinvices, then manifeft- ly tranfgrefling ; andthis was our eftate. Which fhould.make us the more carefullto redeem the time refpited; Vf. that henceforthwelive (aemucb timeas remaineth in the /lef))) not after the lofts ofmen,but after thewill ofGod ; fer itisfufficient that wehave#ent the time ofthelifpaft after the la/ls ofourhearts be. . viccordingto thecourfeofthis world] Here obferve what is an occafi- i Pea 4.3. Dam. ¡onwhich doth prickus forward in this courfe,even the corrupt cuftomes of fuch arnongfr whom we live ; fuch fafhions asby ages together have takenplace,fuch doe drawus further and further on towickednefle; this Worlds corrupt courfc,afpc- to (tmcenùve ¡is no fmall meanesofholding us in fin, and heartening us in it, when we ' Epi,,s.t. fee it the fafhion ofmany, even of all thofe in whom is not the loveof 1 the Father ; therefore the Apoftle doth exhort fo forcibly from it Rom. 12.2. Fafhien not your Elves like unto this world. i Pet. r. 18. From yourvain couverfalion, receivedby traditionfrom your Fathers.It is a ftrong ftream, that comes by a new fafhion, it is received ofall almoft, and it carrieth many to fpeedy deftruétion. Thus the Devil! by the fins of the times and perfons amongft whomwe live, much weakens our love;Through abundanceofiniquity love waxetb cold, (Ala. 24.12. The examples ofothers like a back byas, drawing us from the precifeneffe ofour care in forceduties,inwhich we endeavoured before towal k with God: Sometimes the fcoffing and injurious fpightfulneffeof wicked ones, makingus afraid toPhew our love, aswe would and fhould with liberty befeeming. Even asdamps put out a light, fo this fogge of fin fuffocates and fmothers the lightfome blazeoffaving graces inthe god- ly, though it cannot throughly quench them in us. The times will be ready to tell us, that drunkenneffe, whoring, officiouslies, merry mee- tings and vanities ofgood fellow-fhip, are no fuch great fins, or matters T 3 of