106 epheftans,Chap.i. V E R. z ofoffence,as fomewouldmake them. But the time will come, that the Patrons and Pradifers of thefe fhall fide theBing and guilt of them to lie as heavy upon their hearts, as a Mountaine of Lead, and to affright the confcience with the unfupportable horrors and damnation ofhell. Lewd companions will call andcry unto you(as the lewd womanunto the young man, Prov.7.) with all perfwafive and plaufibleenticements they can devife3 andas fhe flourifht over beaftly and abominable whore. Pro..ras. Job :e.::, dome, with the names of Love anddalliance : Sowith thefe, pouring in offlrongllt4ink, Ale-houfe hunting, pery oathes, prophane, filthy and girding lefts,&c. arenothing but good.fellowfhip,fociableneffe,neceffa- ry recreations, exercifeofwrt,or at worft unavoydable,andfo naturally pardonable infirmities. But if you liften unto them and be led by them, Cheffins, that are now fo fweet inyour momsher, }hall turneuntogravelin I1,14. your bellies, to rottenneffeinyour bones, to the gallofafpes in your confci- ences, and to a fire ofvengeance inyour bowels which will burn to deftrulìion. Doll. via after the Prince that ruleth in theayre] Here obferve, who it is that dotheffeEtually work us to his pleafure, even Satan : As we are dead,fo we are undePthe powerofthe Devill,we are even riddenon by him, and he fitting inour corrupt hearts, doth rideus and rule us at his pleafure. We areall by nature taken of the Devil! in his fnare to doe hie will,aTim.z.a6.Notin this regard only,becaufe wecannot by ourown powerefcape from the tyrannyofSatan,butbecaufe he doth work effe- ítually inour hearts : That look as tempefts doe whirle things about in them,fo doth he at his pleafure our blinded underftandings,and crooked wills, which are turned from thewayofGods Commandements. We are faid(before God dothdeliver us by theminifteryof the Spirit,which Atas rs.,s. is hismighty arme and finger) to be under thepower of Satan. And our Saviour teacheth how thattheftrong man holdeth fall alltill by a granger he becall out, Lake 11.2 z. All menare in one ofthefe twoKingdomes and governments ; eitherin the Kingdomeof the beloved Son ofGod, orelfe they are under theKingdomeofdarkneffe, yea ofSatan ; thralls andvaffals held byhim : And for thofe poffeßïons fo frequent in the timeof Chrift, theywere not only thatthe works ofGodmight be ma- nifeft,but that we might learn, that they are thralls to Satan, the ftrong Tyrant and cruell Dragon, till they werefet at liberty by him that lea- dethfuchCaptivity captive, Eph.4.8. Vie r. This then doth let us fee, howwofull our eftate is, whoare held fall Prat.s:7.4, s under the power ofSatan,till by Chrift weare delivered. Men think the Devill not halffo fearful' as he is, and fo fmart by him, beforethey dif- cern their danger. Be wife in time, and prevent fo great mifchiefeofa fubtile,malicious,and implacable enemy. r/, z. Again, it Both let us fee, that no power, but the power of God,can fet us free, and that we arenot without great refiftance delivered. Be the more thankfull for grace, and make the better ufe of thy liberty, for his glory that gave it. VA g1 Letus take notice here, who itis, that thus doth ftirre when we are drawn