V E R. 2. Eph%nr, Chap. z. drawn intoany fin, it is Satan ; every man is poffeffed of this evill fpirit more or leffe. It is manifeft : for our moft fpirituall temptations as thoughts againft God,and fuch like, having nooutward obje& or infirm- anion to foliciteus by, cannot but proceed from the Dcvill within us. His privineffe to our thoughts, foToone as they begin to flirre and tobe- wray themfelves fenfibly in. the workingofour fpirits, if good,hindred by him; ifevill,feconded by him; ifindifferent, perverted by him to his owne advantage, yeclds us daily this wofull experience ofhis inbeing withinus, and working all fin inus. Prince] He cafleth out Devils by thePrinceofDevils ; therefore it is alar. r z.s4: Paid, the Devilland his tngels. The vingell of Satan, Rev.'2.9. one Lnké Ì_ worfe thenanother. ofthepower oftheayre]Noting the featsoftheSpirits,rsrra.ew.c,which The pla e. of bath a doubleconítrulion. The diltribution by many places doth not D,il:. makebut that both tomeare, and all (hall be locally in hell. Neither when we heare, that force are in the ayre, force in the earth, muff we conceive that hell is everywhere, where God will have it; no more then from the prefence ofAngels here or there by difpenfation, we fhould conclude that heaven is everywhere, where God wouldhave it. Who walketh] Obferve hence, the great efficacy that Satan hath in Nit. evils committed inperfons. For this word isrt, v..&, notetha power, Saranworks andeffeluall working; when the Lord doth permit, he caneffectually comáuauÿa.nd work eitherin the body, or in the foule, inclining it to his will. He is continuallyworking, moving, and operating in it, therefore faid to be the Spiritthat now worketh ; for fo the particle r noteth acontinued with the participle ofthe prefent tenfe erysrz -, a powerful' efficacy as 70- thefoule worketh in the body the motion and foray of all the members. The body is acted andmoved by him ; theminde alfo is ruled, becaufe hedoth fo apply himfclfto the phanfre andaffeCtion, and foworketh in the-one and other, that he thus worketh the foule to his obedience. And thisefficacybath three Branches, the oneoutward, which is to Three wares preferre objets to the fenfes; the other two inward, in thephanfie and affections. Watchhim therefore the more carefully,refrft himthe more valiant- V /c. ly, praythemore earneflly, pueon thearmor ofGod the more diligent- ly, keep it on the morewatchfully, ufe itthe more conftantly, grow in grace, be reverent and confcionable in holy Ordinances, get help of others, and afford thy help toothers that they maybe delivered from fo aétive anadverfary. The fans ofdifobedience.]An Hebraifine,more eminent ones,as Scribes wed andPharifees ; I reillhe a lying /firis, teaching Doïlrines of Devils : and, changer. hearers not obeying ; fuch asare blinded, have the feed picked u as it is ` : >; , P P r Tim.4. r. fowed,Popifhaffected: Such ,esrefiflthetrutb,facbasperifh,zCor.434. Cor.4.4 that is of unbeleevers, z Theffa.9,Io. taken in thefnare ofthe Devi/!, Luke 8.rs.. 2 Tim.z.26.. It being juft with God todeliver them up. And this be- ingthe natureof refifters ofthe light, that theygrow worfe, deceiving andbeingdeceived, z 9îm.3. r 3. Such were the Pharifees and the Jews, and 207 TheDe'vill pofler'eth ma- ny fpirituall¡.