zo8 Ephe/ian.r,Chap. I. V E and fuchamong thefeEphefians, as obeyed not the truth, but became A& so. z9. dangerous wolves notfßaring*flock. We may range them into orders Threeorders ofthem, Threewayes ofgovernours,teachers, hearers. In the Primitive Church the Devil! didwork in thefeEons of difobedience three wayes. r. Caufed them to work- tow tares. a. To live flagitioufly. 3. To perfecute. In the Papifts all lag. All in the three have place, andthey doeaslively refemble the Fatherof thefe the Devil!, as if they had been fpitout of his mouth. .ro By rea fen ofour uabeleefe and rebellion the Devil! bath advantage Satan potter in us ; his power is by meane offin. He can but perfwade, allure, fug- lies in mans gefl and excite. Tempting Chrift, andfinding nothinginhim, hecould ohn JJohnr4.3 o, prevailenothing. Vie. Againfl fuch as will excufe the matter, and lay all on the Devill, like Blame thy felt Eve; the Serpent deceivedme, the Devil! owed me a fhame, and now for fin", nor Saran atone. hathpaid me home ; had I been left to my felf, ithad been long enough ere I would have done fowickedly. Naybut, ôman, thou art a child of difobedience, and grievefl, quenchefl, refifteft the goodSpirit of God who worketh fometimein thy heart,andwould frame thee to holyobe- dience ; thenceGod permitteth, and theDevil obtaineththis advantage againfl thee, to fill thee with all unrighteoufneffe. And certainly the enemy hadnever gotten thestrongCattle ofthine heart, if thy felfe had not firft betrayed and laid itopen unto him. VEK. 3. Amangwhornwehadour c,nverfatio,a] Now he doth come and amplifie it by comparifon drawn from the like, and he makeththe ftateeven ofhimfelfand the belcevingJews like in twothings : a . In finai luall. 2. In the guilt orpunifbment. r: Among whom] That is, amongtt whichfinsofdifobedience, in whom Satan worketh at his pleafure ; Wealfo in time putt converfed inthe con- cupifcenceof the flefh. converfation, being here put, a. for habitual! vitiofity; 2. for the undeliberate flirting and itchingofit ; the later be- ing the imperfeét agitationofthe former, called the pallions ofthe flefh a Lively conftrued. It is taken in the fecond fenfe, for thefe two areeve- ry where diftinguifhed, the corruption, the motionsofcorruption,nom. 6.7,12. 1am.I.14,t 5. Now after he fheweth what this (Walking) in them was , a doing whatfoever this corruption willed : For to have concupifcence is one thing to walk in them, or be in them, another thing. Hethat faith he hath them not, lyeth,and the truth is not in him, but he thatis in Chrift, walketh not after them : Making the feat of this corruption not onely thefenfuall part, but the mindsof man. a. The equality in fin or punifhment; We were by nature theEons ofwrath, a.s well as the ref! : Simplyby nature, Comparatively as the reff. The femme is this: to When I rememberyour eftate, I forget not our own; re for though wehave many outward priviledges, yet fuch as doe not et commend us before God, but in time pail we were like you,walking et in the fuggeftions and motions ofour corruptions, doing whatfoever « our corrupt will and mindes defired ; neither foonely inour lives, but in