210 vf. Reproofe tomany. Devi, .By nature wrathabideth onall. And wherein it eonlilleth. r. Efty 59.:. Pfa1.58.r 2. Pfal.t4a 3 4 Rotn. ;.z4. PapillsTenets in thispoint. Rom. a. t£1.' Corse. rrid fell: 5. decret. ife r. Againú them that Ratter thentfclvesira tinne. Ephelian.r, Chap. 2. V E R.3. It doth rebuke thefhamefacedneffe ofmany, they think, O fhould they faywhat fometimes they were, it would be adifcredit and blemith to their good name : Thisbeing indeed theway to get glory with God and with thegodly,by taking flame room felves. Obferveagain, what is the flare ofmen bynature, they are fuch on whom thewrathofGod abideth. We are from the very conception and birth, fuch on whom Godsindignation is poured out, yea fuch on whom the full vialls of Gods wrath are poured out, together with our being Gods anger is towardus, as in our felves confidered. Let us take notice of the evills which doe accompany us from the birth, that we may underftand the better that we are in deed children ofwrath. r. We are bornfilch from whom God is feparated.; Tour finites havefeparated twixt youandyour God; we are 'rangers to God from the wom ems. s We are given upto Satan ; childrenof theDevill,ofdarknefle,un- derthe power ofthe Devil! the Prince ofdarkneffe, andare in all kinde of-darkncffe, ofignorance ; none under/landeth, none feeketh after God: Darknefleoftufts and ungodlineffe ; darkneffeofcondition;Gods anger abideth on allthat doenot beleeve ; O molt difmall cloud ! 3. Weare fubjed to every curfe in this life, whether fpirituall or corporal!. 4. To death temporal!. 5. To deatheternal!. How comes all thisto paffe ! Becaufe weall by nature are finfull ; togetherwith our beings, we are defiled,we are finners,andfo comefhort ofthe glory ofGod. ThePapifts holdthefe foure points tending to thisText. r. That we ate tinfoil, for God couldnot fubjed us towrathbut for fin ; the wrathofGod is revealedagain" alliniquity. a. That this fin is by nature together with our being conjoyned, be- curebynature with our firft being we are fubjeéï to wrath. 3. That all of us by nature are finfull, for fin imputed. 4. The belt ofthem grant, thatlikewife we are finfull, and for finde. ferving death. We further afirme that all ofus are (inners deferving wrath for the luff and proneneffe that is in usto evill : Thisalfo they grant togotwith original! fin, and to be a confequent ofit; but theywill not have it fm properly, to which wrath belongeth. It rebuketh filch as fhift offand fleight overtheir fins ; wehope we are not the worft, we livehomely, neighbourly,andquietly,doing as we would be done by ; forthe Devill,we dellehim ; for the curfe and hell, we hope. Godwill be merciful!. Thefemen would make them beper- fwaded their cafe is worfethen it is:But thefe perlons fhal knowoneday experimentally, our reports come farte thort of the mattet. Who knowes the power of thywrath a none but thedamned. Beleeveit, and fo avoid the mifchiefe. Again,