V E R. 3. Ephe/ran.r, Chap. 2e 211 Again,it mull teach us to comeout ofour felves; if favourite (hould Y/e :. lofe the favour ofa Prince, not to fee the face of him, as i i6falom ; if Goeourofchy a Tenant were caft forth of his hold ; if a man for fome offence, for mercy. fhould be inthe hands of fome hard cerberus.like Keeper; fhould have his houfe on fire, would wenot hold thefe conditionsfearful! and full of confufion e What then (hall the flare offuch be, as are difcountenanced with God, whofe loving kindneffe is better then life, whofe wrath andan- Pfa1.63s ger is more bitter then death ? well may they take their leave ofall cre- ated comforts, that f'cand under Gods difpleafure : whoat an mitant can xeb.1z.29: turn them out ofall ; whore wrath isa canfaming fire. Thirdly, it muff teach us often to view our felves : Why are there Vie ;. left as pricks inour fides, blindneffe of minde, crookedneffeofwill, v +ew thy trite lavesof evil) inour members rebelling, ficknefl'e, poverty, reproach ? kept umhje, but to humble us. Whofo blefeth himfelfe, the Lords jealoafie1hallfmoak ne,it,ay.,9 io againfl thatfeule. Our age is fo full ofSi/de/arcs, that lohn Baptift or the theSpirit ofElias had need tobe fent amongft us ; forthough .like trum- pets we daily found thefe things, none, when hearing this, bethinketh how hemay efcapethis fire which burneth to deflruclion; butthey hope they are in as good ftate as thefe that makemore !how. Bynature] Whence it is plain,that by nature all ofus are finfull ; fin- Doll. full, not one) in regard of ,ildams fin imputed, but of corruption or All arefinfüll concupifcencewithwhich we are conceived, Pfal.51.5. er 58.3. Gen.8. by natwe. zr. Eck. r6.4,5,6. Efay 53.6.é r.4. The Papifls goe thus farre, t. Say they, wecouldnot be thechildren of wrath in juftice, ifthere werenot matter ofwrath with us. z. There is fiat the rebellionofour Parents,ours, becaufe we were in his loynes. 3. There is the habituall averfionofour mindes fromGod, which they grant an habituall iniquity, for which little ones are guilty of wrath. We hold further that for concupifcence, that is, the rebellionof the law ofthe membersagainft the lawof the Spirit ofGod, that for this, as fin properly, they are the childrenof wrath : This the Papifts deny tobe fin, and will have it fin onely becaufe it was caufedby fin, and is the matteroffin, but not fin properly. Concupifcence is fin as caufed from fin, guilty with that guilt which it may caufe. Concupifcence not fin properly,not a foundationofguilt in it felf, but both the habit and inde- liberate motions are fins forbidden in the Law : for there not deliberate confent, but the root,even the teethand thepallions of itunconfented to ; forthe other are forbidden. In the former, fuch a thing is here forbid- denwhich Paul could not attain tobut by the Law ; now he was no cyclop. Again, Paulcalleth it fin, andgiveth to it the formali caufeof fin. Whatfoever letteth the whole ftrength and might from obeying the Law, is againft the Lawand accurfed. God wouldnothave created man with it; why t becaufe it is not in areafonable creature a pure ataxie but an iniquity : and the goodneffeof the reafonable creature is the con- formity oi.the powers ofit to the LawofGod. That power which is bound to be conformable and is not, that power is a breach : But fuch is this ; forthe Law requires that all our powers fhouldlove God with all the