epheflans, Chap.z. thefeare the bitter fruits ofa finfull and turfed nature. Ifwe fee notour natures, the ftinke and unfavoury vapours which afcend out ofthem, of ftrife, ofunbeleefe, ofpride,ofvoluptuoufneffe,ofrevenge; we want the principali ground ofall humiliation and repentance, the onely fpurre which maketh us feeke righteoufneffe out ofour felves, in Chtift alone. A fourth Confolation is this ; What is the converfation of many DOPE. outward worfhippers ofGod r It is flefhly and carnali ; Paul was an courrc ofm,- outward worfhipperof God a great while, was one that had the fealeof wDurward worlhippers is righteoufneffein his flefh, was baptized, wasa diligent Sabbath- keeper, meerlqcarnal. was brought upat thefeete ofGamaliel, as a fon of the Prophet, a blame- leffe walker for criminall matters; yet all this his fervice changednot his converfation; before the graceofGod changed him, he walkedHI fenfuall and flefhly. Efay tels us offame, whowere worJhippers, commers Era. a.; 5. to the Temple ; but what was found in their lives e Covetoufneffë, oppref- fion, prefumption ; as ifGod were beholding to them for theiroutward worfhip : fo in Ezekiel, the Prophet complaints ofthe hypocrifieof his Eac_; ;.;z. hearers, that would come andfit before him, and heare what God faith, yet will not leave their covetoufneffe,prophaning the aloft holy word ofGod. Alwaies there were fuchwho did give God their bodies, but without- ward fervice made no furrenderoftheir hearts.willyoufleal,marder,and Ier.7.9.10, commit adultery ,&c. andcome &Handbeforemein this houfe? Such were inChrifts time,Thispeople drawveer with their lips,but their hearts are:fir fromme : In the Apoffles time , many of their followers and hearers; mar"q.8. notwithftanding that outward obedience, were unreformed ; God not difpenfìng the grace of Elehtion fo largely asofoutward Calling. The '5 '3' conditionof the vifible Church alwaies was and is to bee fuch as Jhall have Tirgins withLamps oyleleffe. A giaffe for-thefe times, efpecially: of which PortlandPeter have foretol d,that men/hall not joynethe powerof n Tirw.35 gedlineffe with theflow ofis; that menfhall walke after their hafts !: How many,who norwithflanding they arenot to he blamed for their homage toGod, yet remaineas Paul, a great while unaltered in their converfa- tion c like Pauls Widowes, we heart andheart, but laden with many Infls, V.7. and therefore hearemuch,and profit little.How manyof us yet hearing, live in covetoufneffe, in incontinency, in intemperancie, in flomackful- neffe,infelfe- loveand vaine glory; many inidlenefte, hereand there tatling , and folacing our hearts with idle difconrfe , herein another ra- fting a fpiced cup, herein a third walking, as Paul or other, who before God vifited, in the outwardobfervance ofhis worfhip,but yet yeelding obedienceto their ownewils,and lullsoftheir owne hearts;Woe to them who come neere mewith their lips: thefe are they that caufe the Gofpel to be removed by unworthywalking : for God when it is unfruitful!, wil tranflate it where it fhall be fruitfull ; he canheare the Turke, and Pa- pifl, and the prophane Atheift better then you,for hewillbefanidifedin Levir.ro.;. themtbatcome neer him. Whereforelet us fift our felves; pray to God to open our hearts: Yfe r. that istrue andright which commeth from theinward forme,this onely Loeke rnoíi to worketh and diflinguifheth ; powerofgrace muff be meafured, not fo ncir;rdc. V much :a;