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Yfe 2. Examination ofwhat wedo in f rules. r. a. 4. 5 To do a duty after any fort. `Dori. A corrupt will &mind fway- eth the unre- generate. Aft, t4:t6. Gal. t. 4, xr. Vfer. A triall of re. generation. Ephe/ianr, Chap.2. R,4,. muchby the workeexternall , as the ftateof the perfonworking. Hee hath power, who worketh from a living heart , whofe labour is within as well as without, who (hikesat the inward rootesofevill, whofe obe- dience is univerfall; Anhypocrite is worfeaffeeted ingood ,thena good man in evill, he hathnominde to that good he doth , but liketh better of the contrary ; agoodmandothgrieve at the evill he doth,and loveth the contrary.God regardeth not fo much aetion,as vigour inthe a lion: fome doe (trive all for formalitie ; fome don count it Religion enough to raileon idleneffe and formalitie , and to bec able tQdifceurfe ofa queflion. Weeare hereby taught not to reft in anyoutwAighr, nor content our felves with the workedone, but examine how we doe things. r. That we doe every thing for God, praeilfng the 6r1í Comman- dement in everyone, doing all for love of God , not putting him off with every fleightand forty fervice, as ifany thingwere good enough for him. a. To doe every thing asbefore God, fo as is befeeming the purity ofhis nature fpirituall áííd holy,with reverenceofhisglorious pretence. 3. Tomakefore we grow byour dutieswe undertake all truegrace groweth by the exercifeCif it. 4. To labour againfthypocrite, heavineffe, deadneffe, and ourpar. ticularcorruptions ; and to fhakeup our felves when wegoatabout buff. neffeofthis nature. . To thinkehow far civil! men maygoe,to doe that andmore; for, .ualitercunquedefu,aili,is the intent and utmoft markeof formalifts.We muff put to our heft affeaions and our delight in the full bent and ftrengeh; otherwife, it wereeafie beinga Chriflian, might we under this profeffion let our graces lodeas we would. Here wemay further obferve, what it is that heareth Tway in theum regenerate, it is his corrupt will and minde,for fo the Apoflle here faith, in fulfilling thewillof thefleJb and ofthe mind ; fo Patti fpeaketh Rom.7.5. When we were intheflefh, 7"ií.3.3. Carried about with divers lulls; and Peter faith, thofe that arenot called effeetually, theyare intheir converfation conformed to luftsof ignorance: Thus the fecureGallants life is fquared, following the fight oftheir owneeyes, walking in their ovine wayet, asvlels 14. r 6. till God give repentance , they fly like fhecpe, inthe paths oftheir owne concupifcences ; as on the contrary, They that are in theSpirit, walke after the Spirit,fo they that areintheflefb, after the luflsofthefefh. It convinceth tous whetherwe arc in our naturali eftate or no;havean eye to thecourte and ftraine of our will and mind , what is it we fpeci. ally affect, defireand feeke after ; This detceteththe vaine prefumption' ofmany, who thinkeifthey can the Creed, have Chriftendonn; be or deny Churchmen, faythe Lords Prayer, receiveat Eafter,thinkethlsie Chriftianiry enough; as for putting offtheir corrupt nature and. tnfull Tufts , towhich naturally their hearts incline, and whereunto they live inperpetuall flavery andbondage, they thinke itneedleffe,and that God who mucwwwmMIMINII