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V l3 R. 20. Epheflian.r, Chap.z. 323 Itproveth the authority of the Word above the Church : For the beingand authority ofthe Church is from the word of the Apoftles and Prophets. The Church being therefore a Pillar of truth,becaufe it is builded on this truth. The Church Both notmake it felfeabove the word in it felfe, or authorife in it felfe, but withus. The Churchwas before thewriting, not the word written ; this is the fame word withthe lively voyce, though clothed with lettersand fyllables ; as a man is the fame for fubftance naked and apparelled. z. The word written is now in theplace ofthe lively voyce. 3. It is therefore aurhorifed withus, becaufe it is the wordof Godto us: the Kings writ or letters Patents toany, the perfons, the mell'engers. This teachethus what we muff preach; namely the pure word of theProphetsand Apoftles: doe not trifle in the Pulpit,weigh.firdt how it will edifie,before we broach it to the people. What if you know force things that are not obvious, muff theyas wild figges needs come forth! Many make Preaching a prophane medley; being not unlike them Hugo fpeaketh of, who not knowing how tocontaine things withineven bounds, feek fyllogifines in Grammar, inflexions in Lo- gick: fowe ufe to cord with the wordofGod all kindesof[lunge lan- guage:thinke ofit, where doe fhepheardsfeed ; is it not in their ma- ilers walker withwhat inhard weather, but with their mailers floret' fo mutt wee lead them to thofe green Paffures, feed them with the wholefome word; cart them into this mould. Chrifl himfelfe being the chiefe corner floue.] The fame with the foundation as appeareth, z. becaufe gfay putteth them for one. 2. Becaufe it is not the intent by calling him a Corner-fione, to make him a Principalior partials foundation, but a foie and entire foundati- on, as the next words teach. Hence then wearetaught; that We relye onChrifi at a fare foundati. onto upholdus. Ifay. 28. x6. he is called agene, a tryed frone, a precious Corner hone , a flarefoundation : every way a fure flay, none(hall bee confounded that put their troll in him. So thatin all our temptations we muff remember this, and cleave fall by him. Looke as one would clingby a rock,fomuff we by Chrift:Take heed there be not in any ofyou a heart ofunbeliefe to depart from Chrift'. Hee that waiteth on the Lord, Jliall renew bit flreugth. This then Both ferve to convince the doctrine of the Romifh Church, teaching the Pope to bee a foundation of the Univerfall Church vifible. Yea, they apply the place in 1Jay.28. 16. to thePope and juftify their doctrine. AndRevel. zI. 14. we are faid to be bull- ded on the Apoftles, as foundations. Againe, we are to know, that a thing may be calleda foundation properly or figuratively. Properly, that which fupporterh all: Figuratively,that bywhich any thing is in any manner borne up as aPillar, or one (tone to another : That which ferveth to lay us on the foundation , as Doctrine, Faith, Confeffion; wee yeeld that improperlyall the Apoftles, all Minifters may bee fo F f 2 called 3. OdjeE. .4efw. 4 Oportet pref. bytetum ólen- do difcretum effe,ia loquen- do autem lati- beni. DoE. Chri[i is a ftre foundati- 'bn to rely up- on. Heb.;. ts. Efa4o.;t. r'l Popifh foun- dationunder- mined. Foundation properly and figuratively fo called.