I 324 Ephcfaans,Chap. æ., VER, ZO. called, yeaall living ftones each to other. But this maketh nothing for the Pope for they will have thePope to be but a minifteriall and fecondary foundation. Anfw. It is otherwise, they make him fuch a foundation, that the finking and ruining of him, is the fhaking and fall ofall the Church; that as the Sunneis in the heaven,fo is hee in theChurch. Further, wee mull know that their dot-trinemaketh hima proper foundation, one, from whole perfon all things flow unto the Churchimmediately, all determinations of truth, Lawes binding the confcience, all adminiftration of holy things ; as the vertue of Chrift is the taufeofthem, fo theperfon of the Pope is the Conduit. pipeof them; fo that, whatfoever theybelieve, it is alter a fort refol- ved into the Pope. For look as all the work ofthe Spirit is determined in the livelyvoyce and Scripture: Soall the Faithof rapids is deterrai. nett in the voyceofthe Pope, and builded on him. They make him afoundatioo,on which immediately and next ofall our Faith is groun- sk nmenrs aga ded on Chrift. But , r. The foundation on which we are laid, is the aiintt dxm. tame on which the Prophets budded : the Prophets builded not on z. the Pape. Secondly, it the Pope were profvrlÿ the foundation of 2. us, though fècondfrom Cbrift, then we fhould bee built firft on the P:.pt, by meine ofhim on Chrift. But weare not built on men , but immediatelyon Chrift. Wepreach not cur!elves as Lords ofynurFaìih, but(.1;ri.Fl, and ourlavesyour f rcants for Chrifls fake. a. Cor. 4, 5. Saint Peter telirrh rheJewes, that they were come, not untohim, but iPee.x,q ç.&. unto Chrifl a Corner-fiche: Paul isyours cilpolles , Peter, but you are Chuflo, I.Ccr. 3. az. As yehave received Chrifl lefus ì fowalke inhim rooted and built inhim, Col. e. 6, 7. 3 Thirdly, God gave Saint Peter, not to bee a foundation, but tobee a Cur.3.io. awe/ter-builder. Takewe then thefe Conclufions. z. Nonecanbea foundation properly bearingup, but Chrift; for itis the fpirit of Faith comming from him which Both up- hold us. a. TheApoftleswere not, anyof them, but minifters laying this foundation. 3. None is fo a foundation , as the Apoftles were none having immediate and infallible alïiftance. Diftiniìions muff be proved from Scripture. a. Ifthere were a minifteriall head , then men fhould fay; I am Cephas, &c, a. Then the iteoftle ihould build men firft on Peter, then on Chrif : Bnr 'eter and ehe reft , call them immediatelyto Chrif?. co/.2.7. I .Pet. à . 4, 5. 6. 3. IfPeter had been the foundation of the Catholique Church, titan P:<sl fhoul-.0 every where have built on others founda- elation, but he did not fo.Rom. 15. zo. I enforced my f lfe to preach the Gofell(faith Paul) not where Chrifl was named, left I fbouldhave built onanother mans foundation. VER. íi. V R R s. 2 z. Inwhomall thebuilding coupled together, groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord. Now M