VER. zr. 8phefaan.r, Chap.z. 325 Now hee defcribeth the fundamental! (tone from theufe ofit, which is twofold. I. It containeth and upholdeth all. 2. All groweth up in ir. Theufe is laiddowne in general!, and in particular with application to the Ephefans. In generall in this verfe, from a doubleufe it bath in the whole building: t. from hence, that the building is held together and fuftained by it; z. from this, that the building increafeth in it. inwbom,]that is,by Faith in Chrift,all the multitudeofbeleevers is coupled fitly, bothwith him, and one with another by love, doe grow and encreafefrom Faithto Faith,Holineffe toHolines,till they become anholy Temple in the Lord, through the vertue of Chrift, with whom they are joyned. So that here are there points to be confidered. 1. That the beleevingare called a building. a. The (trait and even conjundtion of the beleevers with Chrift and with themfelves. 3. How the beleeving receive an increafe , from what time they are in Chrift. q.. What is that Temple wherein God dwelleth. 5. What venue it is,by which weare fultained and augmented. The firft giveth both teacher and people to confider of Chriftian inftruction: for the beleeving being a kind of building doe thew, that Do£f, there isa Oeciall wildom required in thefethat areto di/penfe thedoUrineof Spiricua(t Faith, that are to build the body ofChrifi, that muff proceed by line and Beale ve;fdy..n order. Wee fee in building, there is an order in railing the frame from the beginning, and in cafting every thing cotnmodioufly. Men doe not rough-cafe before the foundation be laid. Wee fee in the materiali Temple, how that theworks ofitrequired extraordinary gifts ofart, that men made wife by the Spiritof God wereufedfor that purpofe. We feeagaine , howwe hetruft not a peece ofworke ofany moment, but to thofe that are their crafts- mafters (as we fay.), So then, much more muff men thinke, that this fpirituall building, which differsno leffe then fubftance from fhadow,requires wife ma- flee-builders , workmen that labour fo/as they neednot tobee afhamed, t a. Tim. z. 15. Wifdome which may ake hem deliver the counfell ofGod, every parcell of it in his feafon, not bringing forth the roofe and tyle when the grounds ofReligion arenot favourly digefted. Ir teacheth people how theyIhould fubmit themfelves to bee fra- med and fquared according as the Miniftery doth require. Beforea Sufferchy feW co bethrough- rough ítone can be commodiouíIy laid, ir mutt be hewed by the Ma- fon, iy wrought ou fitted, polifhed and plained , and fo brought to the reft of the by chefe boil. building; fe it is with you, you muff be fmoothed and plained, before Bars. you cancome to lye in thisbuilaing.The matterto be buildedmuff be a Patient under the builder, youare the building, we given to bebuil- ders, Eph. 4. aa. obey them therefore that are [et overyou, who muff give accountforyour tittle;ReceivetheWord with meekneffe, layingafide !allanger &c. Jam. r.a r. r Pet.z. t, z. Ifyee bee Gods building , yee Ff 3 mull