Ephefans, Chap. 2., VER , 21, mutt be fquared tohis modell, fitted and furnifhed for his entertain- ment. Every man according to his degree , loves to have his hòáfe trimme and delightfome. TheDevi11 himfelfe likes well , when his houfeis empty, fwept and garnifhed, Mattb. 12. 44. Empty ofgood thoughts, fwept from good exercifes , garniflred with appearances. The Lord in a contrary fenfe, loves to have his houfe. allo empty, fwept & garnifhed,empty ofpride and vaine-glory,noyfome lufls, &c. fweptand cleanled from allfilthinetfe ofthe flefh, and garnifhed with all holineffe andgrace; paved with love, Cant. 3. ro. Doiir. Secondly, when he faith,thisbuilding is coupled together in Chrift Believe, s have Brait con - jutsûion with Chuff. Eph.3. 17. Yfe. ott. Believers are ver growing. 1. he doth give us to underhand , how flrait and even a conjunction the faithfüllhave with Chrifi, and one with another. Locke as in a houfe, the building all ofit, mutt be fitted to the foundation , and every part of it fuit one evithanother; fo in thisbuilding, whichwee are, there mutt bee a (trait coupling with the foundation , and correfpondence one with another: Thus in the materiali Temple, ( the type ofus) the walls orrowes ofhone that were in ir, they were fo fquared,that one piece didnot belly out above the other, but as they write, bring layd together, a manwould have thought them one entire hone. So all the other things were fo contrived , that window anfwered to window, dore to dore, chamber to chamber; there was a pleafant proportiona- bleneffein every thing: So mull the multitude ofbeleevers all of them belayd on one foundation,and all ofthem foeven, that theymay feem asone living ftone,and every one anfwering moll commodioufly to o- ther:And thus it is with the faithfull,ifyou confider them withChrift, they are moll firaitly conjoyned byFaith: by Faith weput himon, and he commeth to dwellincur hearts: And look as theHead and Members, the Vine and Branches, the Houle and Foundation are moll flraitiy linked: So it is withus beleeving and Chrift Jefus. A gaine thebeleeving are fitly coupled one with another,there is no uneven bunchingout in them. love making the multitude of them as one man, ofone mind, and heart: And as all the parts of a building havea commodious correfpondency each to other : So love maketh the Saint% each feek thegood of the other, andbe ferviceable each to other. Remember and Rudy this edification. Growth.] Whenceobferve: Theft that are true beleevers, they grow upfrom day to day.Even asit is in great buildings, they are not at once begunne and pedaled: So it is, the whole and every living (tone have their increafe till they come to perfeElion. r. I will (hew and prove the things. z. Open the qualities ofthis growth. 3. Make theufe. To fee this increafe,you mu(lknow that there is a double confide- ration ofthe faithfull. a. In regard of thewhole number. z. In regard ofeveryparticular hone. The firh is to be feen in thefemateriali buildings, which by the ac-; ceffe