ephefians,Chap.z. 32,7 ceffe ofone part toanorher, are further augmented. The fecund is not ro be fern in them, hecaufe theparticulars arc not living, but is in this, the ftones of ir, every one being living ftones. Who fa barb, to him t8. morefluehegiven. The riglitous /hall fosrifh like a green Palme tree, P[ai.9=,,3. Pfilm.92. For grace is afpring ofliving water, which will never bee utterly dry, but gulls out in abundance fo much more violently, by how much fora feafon it is flopped. We mutt not (landat a flay, but grow in grace, r. rheff.4. t. Webefech you brethren andexhort you, that yee increaf more andmore. Grow ingrace, and in the knowledge ofour Lord le/us chrifi, 2. Per.3.8. He that is righteous,let him 6°e more righteous Hill, Revel. a 2. r r. This is the natureof true grace, ifbut as a agraine ;. ri ?, ofmuflard- feed:Grow up,asnewborne babes,co greater11ature and perfe- Ilion in every member; Forgetting that which is behind, firiving to that', Phil 3. '3 which is before. Now for the qualities ofthisgrowth, it mull be continuall in us, we muff never ceafe to grow, but with Paul forget that which is behind: Qüattic, where we ceafe to grow, there we decline;he that winnes not , lofeth; a C r.laa and be that in this life fetteth downe his rett from going forward in groove, the wayofgrace, that man never yet fet right foot in the way. Leave Phil. 3.13' off indeavour to be better, and you (hall foone ceafe to be good. Secondly, this growth of every one of us is by little and little , fo 2. final( that the progreffe ofit ftepby ftep is infenfible: as the moving of a Watch,or the fpringingofan hearbe:no creature fohardly getteth up as an infant Both, but it thriveth fallar then this inner man of the heart can. ry member: So mull we in obedience to every commandement. Thirdly, it groweth in all things.Even as an infantgroweth in eve- ! Augmemaao Fourthly, we mutt grow to fruitfulneffe, to abound, to bring forth omns Pa æs. more fruit inour kind,to be fat and flourifhing,like Cedars in Lebanon, Pfal. 9a. r3, 14. Jayne with faith vertue, and with vertue knowledge, S Pec.,.q,c andwithknowledge temperance, ¿re. If thefe things bee among youand a. bound, they will makeyou that yowl/mil neither be idlenorunfruitfull, &c, This then hut doth let us fee, what is ourduty: if we bee truly in vfe r: grace we mull chew itby increafing; Let him that is righteous bee more Grow on o e n. ri g hteous; Beyee er f eI our heavenly Father. a. How may we come to thise vltefw. T. By Makingoff lull. Fly ta«h. S. 4a. the corruptions that are in the world through lull; the widow loader' Howwemay with tufts was alwayes learning,but nevertaught.For ask is with infants B row a;ytq whilft any foone breaking forth is with them, it keepeth themdown; 2 Tim.;. 7. or as a man that hath a Wolfe feeding onhim, can never hold out: fo aheart abounding with noyfome lulls, cannot but be brought low and languifh in all the graces oftheSpirir;and withleanand fpiritlef'e follies they pine away. 2. Theymuff hunger after the milke ofthe Ward, r Pet. z. z. that they maygrow thereby. 4 ,n, r. 3. They mutt blow up the graces of Gods Spirit : None a- arTiátd.6. waketh