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328 Epheflans,Chap. z.. VER.2t. waketh himJelfe to lay hold upon God, Iía. 64. 7. 4. Takeheed ofthat which mayquench your affecaions to God; dead company , who can neither fpeake nor heare the language of Canaan. 5. Take heed ofworldly.cares, the common choak-weeds ofall feeds of grace andgoodnefTe, inordinate diligence about earthly mat- ters, eating, drinking, building, the world fhall bee drowned in theft when Chrift corneal to judgement. edout ofyour hearts all fuch things, as like weed fpring up and fmother better devotions. Vje a. I For rebuke; the Sonne of righteoufneffe is gone back with many Tenor to in their diall, who are fallen from their firft love, from that lifeand backaiders- power which fometime they have had, fuftained vifible decayes of ancient gifts, felling their God for bread,and theunfpeakable peaceof a good confcience for outwardpeace and liberty; thefe mayfeare that God will cut them downeas unprofitable branches, good for nothing but combuftible fuell forthe fire ofhis everlafting wrath. Door. Secondly, This dothgiveus to underftand , that thefiateofa belee- Bclecvers fall vingfoule, is [ash ea cannotfinallyfail or be utterly extintl. Every none not finally, in this building bath an increafe in regard ofit felfe, and in regard of others whichcome to be laidwith it, it doth not fhrinke in and quite fall out: theHoly Ghoftthe builder of this Temple wanted not wit- dome to laychefe [tones: Yea fuch mortaras is everlafting, even thofe Roma gifts without repentance, of Faith and Love. And touching thein- creafeof grace in the believing, hold thefe things. r. Firft, this grace is ofa more excellent property then that in the An- gelis fallen, or in ; Chrift is the Head whence this iffueth fpirituaily: as Adamwas the Head whence that other gracebeing na- tural! fhould together wichnature have been conveyed. It bath a high- er rife, and the nameofit maketh it eternal!, as being a life not fhb- jed to death, notonely promife and afliftance. 2. Secondly, this cannot totally fall away. 3. Thirdly, this gracehath hisfwoundings,when as yet life lyes in the heart, likefire ina flint. 4. Fourthly,fuch grace as the Scripture maketh us fall from, istempo. rary grace, as muchdiffering from true, as wild heaths and thofe of thegarden,as things folid and fuperficiall, grace in efliwation and ap- pearance, grace in regardofoutwardprofeffion; and thus a man may bein Chrift in the fhape ofFaith, that is not inwardly ingraffed into Chrift: It faileth not in favingfaith. Or if they fpeake oftrue grace, they onely doe itby fuppofition, not affirming any fuch matter. Now let us confider out of thewords thefethree citcumftances. a. Towhat itgrowech, a Temple. z. A holy Temple. 3. In whom, inthe Lord. Dell. Firft then we fee what kindo fbuilding the beleeving are , namely , a Beleevers are Templefor Gods habitation, a heck in wich it pleafeth him to be a te- a Temple for Goa. :y fidentary,r .cor.3. r6. Knowyeaot, thatye are the Temples of the living Gode