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VER. 2,I. 8phffians, Chap.z. 329 Gad :? i Pct. 2.5../Ind ye as lively flones be made a fpirituall knife to Gad. It is nota materiali houfe which is a Templef or Gpd; he is afpi rit, and as Solomon confeffèd in the dedication ; and as Ifa.66. The fpirit ofthe humble and contritemen, fearing before him, they are the frttefl houfsfor him: and the materiali Temple was fymbolicall , filch as had reference to a further thing which it fignificd , that is I. the xiarnfaletms Humanity ofChrift, the Temple of the God-head, in the true Im- totype manuel. 2. The multitudeof the faithful' here in this place. 3. g_ th a ce wayes. very particular believer , t Car. 3. i6. For the fecond , How or in what regard they are a Templee t.ilnftv. In refpedt both of fohle and body : primarily of foule, fe- condly, of body: as the feat of God was theArkeof propitiation pri- marily, fcondly the whole Temple. The ufe hereofis, to let us fee the excellent priviledge of us , that Irfe r arethe houiholdofFaith and therefore Peter Both reckon it as the a great dig- clat,- firff, that we are a fpirituall houfe. It was a great bleffedneffc toap- titans. proach unto the materiali "temple, PA /. to4. to minifter before the Lord in it, but to be the fpirituall Temple, even the true refit of the Lord, this is ableirng above all we can conceive. Againe, this doth amplify the dignity ofit, that the Lord made fuch promifes : Fur looke what was fpoken concerning the outward Temple, that God would delight in ir, reft in it for ever,defend, fanetify it, thefe things have the true accomplifhment in that which is performed upon the believing. Secondly, this doth teach us our duties', that we muff not at any rrfe hand averfeour ('elves, that is,wemuff not alitnateour fclves from the ochk nor the Lord; for ifwe withdraw ourfelves from him , wee rolibe him and temple of commit facriledge; Ifwe surrender our foules or bodiesto fpirituall God. or bodily uncleanenefte. Church. robbers of all others are counted odious: Butifone will goe for a Chriftian, and give himfelfe up to Gone, or offer to corrupt the foule of another, and fo fnatch him into one deftru&ionwithhimfelfe, this is todeny theTemple it felfe. The world is full ofChurcb- robbers in this fenfe. So when men will pinne themfelves upon men, call themfelves after them, fetting them in theroomeof God, it is an intervening of this Temple,as orders doe the authorsof them,as the Corinthians did. Though I know the Papilla fay they hold nothing bu:diftinekion, and what is more, they hold not allowable. It teacheth us that wee muff avoyd all uncleaneneffe; for as the PP former, fo this is a prophanation ofthe Temple: now in vzzah,, in the buyers and fellers, and in othersof whom the Ecclefiafticall andpro- phaneRory mention, you may learne what a terrible thing it is to prophane aTemple, wrath from heaven following it. Prophane it not with fornication. Prophane it not with idolatrous alUociatioo, Separateyour felves andcome outfromamongfl them , andI iviB receive you . Wharfoever is done to the withdrawing man from God,isa fpi- rituall facriledge. Ifwe yeeid to the inveiglingfeducements offalfc teachers,