33° Deft. True belee- vers are only holy. Eph.4a ; Rome. r;. Three things in the Tem- ples holineJ and ours. Triallwhe- rher we bee built on Chri.; Epheflans,Chap®z. V E R. 21. teachers. Ifwe withdraw our hearts from God and fall to the world, this is a furrender ofthat which isGods unto the devil! , a horrible fa- criledge.So if anydoe robbe us leading us to luft, to falfe doeirine, he is a facrilegiousperfon: the Apoftleintimatethno leffe, that tholewho build ftubble or hay or ftraw , are dettroyers of the Temple of God, and fuch will God deftroy. Wemuft neither doe nor give con- fent to fuchan evil!. It isPaid further, a holyTensple;which doth teach us thatthe believing arefuck whomu, befantlified throughout; in the Temple there was not any thing but was holy,fo in us there mutt not beany thing but muttbe holy:the God ofPeacefan£lify you throughout, we are in everypart fan - ítified,that are come unto God. Thus if wee shouldgot through all the parts ofaChriftian, mind, will,affeetions, fenfes, membersofbo- dy, the Scripturedoch teach us that all thefe mutt be holy , and initru- ments ofholineffe; the Temple whichour foules and bodies are, muft beaholy Temple: Berenewed in thef(iirit ofyour mindunto true holines: covenant with your eyes:give tip your whole bodies inflruments ofholi neffe: put not out the finger toevill. The Temple had in it, I. An ali- enationof things from prophane and common ufe. z. The Dedica. Lionofthem todivine ufe. 3. Theconfervationofthem in this proper- ty: correfpondent to whichmuftbeour holineffe3 r. Weemutt come out of the world,and feparateour felves from the cuftomes of an evill and froward generation. a. Wee muft yeeld our felves up to God. Rom. 2.1. I befeechyoubrethren by the mercies ofGod that yee give up your bodies a livingfacrifice, hol ,acceptable unto God. 3. We mutt la- bour to keepour felves from all prophanation. r. Theft 5. 23. That your wholelliirie andArtieand body may bekept blameleffe. Now then we fee, what is the thing that all in Chrift mutt grow to, even holineffe: notto knowledge, not to cotten letter with performanceof outward duties,not to a more familiar convcrfingwithmen of the belt mind, as commonly we fpeake : Wicked ones that arenot this Temple, may know fo muchas to beteachersofothers, wicked ones may come to learne the yoakofoutwardduties more eafily: Awicked one may (like Simon (llagus) beacompanion of the difciples: And many that fay, Have we net eatenanddrunkein thyprefencec And many that have lyen in the fame fheets with them (hall not enter : The thing whichprinci- pally all the building on JefusChrift muff grow, is holineffe. Looke then ifyouwill prove your felves believing,that you flay on him the corner !tone. Looke if you have growne in holineffe: what encreafeoffaith thou haft got, what more griefe for frnne , watchful- neffe againft finne, victory over thy corruptions, wrath, lull, intempe- rancy, covetoufneffe,unbeliefe;what increafe offaith,patience,meek- neffe, fobriety, chaftity, heavenly mindedneffe; ifwe have no growth inthefe, all our lhowes arebut ablanke, worth nothing: every (tone laidon Chrift muft growup to anholy Temple. Whofoever thouat that canft fay, I thanke God, Iwas fo haunted with pride, with un- cleanneffe,wtth intemperance,with wrath,with covetoufneffe,thatmy poore