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VER. at. phefians, Chap,zo 3I poote foule waschainedup inchem,ufurping and triumphingover me: but now though I fee fomefcarres ofthem, yet the Law and tyranny ofthem is ceafed, and my foule much freed, I thanke God it is fome- what better ftablifhedwith grace : Bleffed are thefe. Secondly, it loth teach its, whir we mull endeavour to, increafe of pre z. holineffe;Be ye holy, for,your heavenly Father is holy: if thole that did Follow after beare any thing belonging to the materials Temple; were to be holy; ; `,e rs. much more mutt we whoare the Temples themfelves. Thirdly , it doth convince many to have no conjanêtion with yf Chrift, forthey are the devil's Chappell , rather then Gods temple: Many are the they area cage ofuncleanneffe; What dwelleth in them, but covetouf- not Godye, neffe,envying,ftrife, pride?Can thefe filthineffes have aboad in a rem- pie; pieofGode Many mockat holineffe, at carefull refraining their riot, their fwaggering, their loofeneffe; can thefe be in Chrift , in whom, whofoever isbuildedby Faith, muttgrow tobee a holy temple ofthe Lorde No furely;for what Communion can there be twixt light and dark. 4Cor.6. r6. neffee Looke as in the 8. of Ezech.the Lord fpake of the type: So now it may be fpoken of living fpirituall houles of God: as that had thefe two abominations , the pictures of' every creeping thing, which though they were to be pulled downe, yet therewere the Eldersoffe- ring incenfe before them: So it is with many that outwardly will bee Chriftians and holy temples; in themare all unclean pictures , their thoughtsand imaginations whichare thepi&ores and portraytures of their mind, what are they of the glory, loft, profit ofthis world : And whereas by mortification,they fhould root thefe out, it is fare other - wife, for they applaud them, and after a fort facrifice to them , taking up their happineffe and contentment in them , thefe are Idols tem- ples. In the Lord.] The Taft thinghere to beobferved is;That it is the vertue Doá. of Chilt of Godour Lord,which dothbuild upand increafe the number ofbeleevers.1 By the power niif(faith Chrifk)buildmy Church* isnet the ftrengthof men.Lookas ha a orr ws It was in the type Zach.4.6.neither by an army nor firength, but by my srowoio. (pirit,faith the Lordofhafts:Co in the truth,neither can it be other,tfinen Math. n4.ìy. will open theireyes to fee the enemies which oppofe it; notSanballat andTobiah, Neh.z. ro. notflefh andblood,but fpirituali wickedneffes. And thisit is, that bath made the Church Rill goe forward, notwith- ftanding herefies, perfecations, all fcándalsof iife,allthe gates ofhell, becaufe God hathbeen He wholevertue and ftrength undertaketh the building ofthis fpirituall temple. To teach us, whither we mutt looke, evento God, becaufe we con- P is curre and confpire with God asfubordinate unto him in the worke of k°°for converfion and edificationof hiselect. God indeed maketh us Cowor- ring kers with him, not that we adde unto thepower ofGod, but that wee ally. obediently applyour [elvesunto the workingof God; Wee are mighty 4. through God: and energeticall , able to begetchildren in Chrift Jefus ,yj,reìc7"4,7" through theGofpell. 1. Cor.q .15 .Not as ofour f lves,but ourfufficien- ey isof God; who alfo bathmade us able c. iinitiersofthe New Teffamern, s.Cor._