332 Yft z. VER. az. Don Chriftsbene- fits cobe ap- ptyed co pelee- vers particu- larly. DO. Built on Chri$, we are a dwelling for God. t Per.z.5,6. Do% God dwelleth inand wichbe- lectern. Ephefians,Chap.2. V E R. 22. 2.Cer. 5. then no marvaile if Godand the Wordofhis grace be able to build menupfurther, andto give them an inheritance among them 'that arefanáified, Aiïs. zo. 32. Rather we may marvaile that at any time the wordof God fhould faileofhis effecî, or that anyofhis .fellowla- bourers fhould fay,Ihave laboured in vain; But indeed it is not avaine word, but (hall accomplifh that I will, and profper in the thing where- to I fend ir, /fay. 55. ro. Secondly,it maycomfort us that wee (hall in due time be finiflied; Godwill makeup all thebreachesand ruines ofour finfull nature, and build us up a glorious Temple for him(elfe, wherein hee will dwell for ever. V a R. aa. In whomyen afo are budded together for an habitation ofGod, through the Spirit. In this lait verfe he fpeaketh with application to the Ephefrans : of whom he layettedowne two things; r. their building together; 2. the end, to be a dwelling of God: the manner being annexed, by his Spirit. The things, efpeciallyof the firft part have been fpoken of:but thathe faith thefe Ephefians were thus and rhus;irdoth teach us,that weare par- ticularly to apply the blefsings ofChrifi to thofe with whamwe deale. It is agood thing to bring people toknow particularly the thingsbellowed on them. And the infancyofmany requireth, not onely that the Mi- nifter have the breathofthe Teftament,but that bee bring thofehee dealethwith, to take them rightly ; and thofe that are more perfeét, though they knowthe things bellowed, yet the dulneffe of them is fuch,as ifthey be not remembred in this kind, they are fhortofduty. And all arenot alikehusbands,reviewing their commodities as others. But it may be asked, howS. Paul fpeaketh this. r. In the judgement ofcharity: z.in the judgement ofcertainty, for he fpeaketh of the beleeving, for thefe are the, words ofFaith inparti- cular. Obferve firil, howwe cometobe a dwellingofGod, by being buil- ded on Chrift;Tau (faith S. Peter) being built on him, become a fpirltuall houfe; by comming unto him wee have conjunn lion with him, and fo God byhis Spirit comming to us: For Chrift Jcfus is he, in whomis foundedall Gods drawingneare to us : in his humane nature the God- headis perfonally, fo that webyFaith being laid on him, the Father, Sonne, and holy Ghoft, come by this meanes to refit in us: and Gal. 3. re. the Holy Ghoft faith we receivethe Spirit by Faith; hee that bath notthe fame,hath notthe Father, nor Spirit. Even as there muff bee a connexion with theHead before there can bee a Communionof the fpirit of the Head. Tobe adwellingofGod.] Obferve then, that the believing have the Lord dwelling with them , walking with them, bee dineth and fuppeth with them , as is ratified in the Old and New Tefla. ment. Levit.26. t r. I willfet any tabernacle amangfi you,and will walke among you. John.r4. 17. the Spirit oftruth dwelleth in yew, and fball be in inyou: My Fatherwill love him,andwe will comeim:: him andmake our aheadwith him. verfe 23. It