y B,Ei.z$. pbefianr,Chap.z. It teachedi us that we muft.cleanfe our felves that we may noway grieve fo glorious a gueft: Cant.3. 6. Who is this that commeth out òf the wilderneffe like pillars offmoake, perfumed with myrrhe and frankincenfe, with allpowders oftbe merchant? How ;ealòrts God is ofthof to whom he ap_ proachethe Irbil! be farsaified in all that come 'secrete me:for what Com- munion can there be betwixt light and darkneffe , the Lord being a confir- ming fire; and who can dwell with thole everlafling burningse If any great Perfonaces come tovifit us, wee will have every corner fwept, and not leave fluttifh holes for nofe -gayes to them. The Apoftle on this ground enforcethhis exhortation,z.Cor.7. x. Having fuch premi- [eet,letuscleanfe our'elves from all filthineffe offlefbandLbrit, andgrow up tofull holinefe in thefeare of God. Secondly, it Both teach us thebleffednefí'e ofall the faithful!: What an outward felicity it is deemed, if a Prince do grace with his prefence this or that placee if he reiterate that favour, there is no fmall joy in that city: andwhen a houle ismore meane , if then a Prince (hall in progreffè,or otherwife lodge it,it is anarration for pofterity, how thus many times it pleated fo great a King to grace fuchdr fuch a place with his prefence.But that the great King & Lord of heaven and earth fhould once vouchfafeto take up his lodging under our roofe, this bountycannot be fuflìcicntlyextolled. Wee reade how thatwhen the Arke carne amongft the Ifraelites, they shouted that the heavens didring for joy,/ Sam 4. yet that was but the pledge and tokenofGods gracious prefence to his.people.Andwe feeifwee have tenements , wee are glad to have them beftowedon thofe whowill keep them fromwind and.water. God dwelleth in us, not for hisgood, but for ours; we have - houles againft weathers vio- lent, which that' Rand fall as mount Zion , that cannot bee moved, Pfal.ra5. r. A ground ofmeditation, when we find God abfent, how to requeft his pretence; to longforhim,tocryafter him, to hold our (elves molt miferable without him. To this end thoumaift purge and cleanfe thy felfe, prepare a cleane roome in the clofet of thy heart for him. The humble heart utheonely Palace ofhisdelight ,- Ifay. 57. /5. For thus faith he that is highand excellent, he that inhabitetheternity, who fe Name is the holy one, i dwell in the, high and holy Place; with hiim all that is o a contriteandhumble fpirit. But it may bePaid: Godftlleth heaven and earth, Heaven is his throne, andthe earthhis foot.Floole. EfI'entially. God is every where prefent, ien. z 3. 24. but here his pre - fence is taken energetically for his effeóìuáll aéìion, neither that uni- verfally,for fo he is prefent with all things vifible and invifble,gover- ning them by the power wherewith he created them, both according to natureand againft nature: but more efpecially and peculiarly with his Saints andchofen, making them partakersof all thofe gifts which are needful! and neceffary for them unto falvation. In which fettle the words of Chrift are to be taken, ifany man loveones y Father will G g come 33 3 PP is I Gicve- not, but pleafe chis gueft. r.Per:z. 45- Levu.ro. 3. Cor.6.r6. Efa33-r4 Yj z; Honour of rrue Chtifti .ns. Yf,3, How ró reco.. ver the pre- tenceof,óod. O6jeEE. ,snf. Divers forts?! Godspr@ fence.