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Ephefan.r, Chap. :. VER.2,1. comein untohim anddwell with him, John . 14. 23. Wouldit thou then Notes of know, whether God dwelleth in you? Ifhebe in thee , he is like the Gods ;ndwel- Sunne whichgiveth light over the whole Horizon, the groffe fogges ling, and miltsofblindnefe are fcattered,and the day ftarofunderftandin 1. hath appeared. IfGod dwell with thee, then is thyconfcience fanétj 2. fied, and clearely acquiteth thee ofall thy tranfgre fions; for thou haft received the Iudge into thy houfe,who bath fully difcharged all, 3. and freely ftricken offall thy finnes.If God dwell with,thce,thywill & of%&ions are reformed,thouhaft the mind of God,willing that which is good, hating that which is evil! , thou feareft God and loveft his truth, and art humble in thy owne eyes. For as a wife maffer of the houfeguidethhis whole family with difcretion; fo God ruleth in the foulewith the fcepter ofhis Word, and compofeth the working there. oftohis will. Contrariwife, ifthou beRill ignorant,faithleffe,unruly, 1 ungoverned, proud, covetous, full ofcarnall policy, and the like; then Chrift is not in thee, but Satan , who ruleth in the children ofdifo- bedience,provoking thee unto ungodly, unlawful! pleafures, conten- tion, wrath, blafphemy, contemning the niinifteryofthe Word,ma- ligning the profeflors thereof, bymifchievous pra&ifes, mockes and fcornes. Yfe.f: It teacheth us further how to lift up our lamentation in Cods ab- fence, when we fee others ufurping his poffeßïon. Lift upyour heads yee gates, andbeyee liftedup yee everlaflingdores, that the King ofglory mayenter in, Pfal. 24.9. Ifone fhould barre the dore of the owner, not giving him ingrefle and egreffe, what a riot would it bee deemed? Be carefull toentertaine him corred, in enjoying him, by rejoycing in him: let him not waste at our dore; Behold I ftand at the doreand knot k,Rev.3. so.Andwhenhe taketh up hisInne with us,and lodgeth with us, we muff not mifrulily moleft and awake him , left in difplea- fure he take his leave and depart from us. Obje?. How can the Father and the Sonne be Paid to dwell in us by the Spirit, feeing they are no leffe prefent with us then the Spirite eAnfw. True in regard of Omniprefence, not true in regard ofputting forth thiself-d, in which their inhabitingofus is grounded. By the Spirit:] inafmuch asthe Father and the Son are there prefent in their Spirit, fo they are every where manifefting a peculiar prefence Prov.t.n;. by theeteet offanétification. This was promifed in the Old Tefta- ment, I willput my Spirit intoyou. Knowyee not that yeeare the Temples ofGod, andthat hie Spirit dwelleth inyou,.' r. Cor. 3.16. and 6.19.Your bodies arethe Temples aftheHoly Ghofi, whom you have from God. Our fanitification, in regardofwhich effect God is faid to dwell in us, is referred to the Spirit, with force diftin&ion, though it be the workof the Father and the Sonne. Yfe -r. So that wemay fee in what we are to let the prefence of God, in By theworke finding hisSpirit working in us.when we find theSpirit ofGod work-; ofrheSpirit in g Faith, patience, love, meel:nefl'e, then we may fay, wee find God I conclude of God:pre- dwelling in us. When wee find the Spirit of God comfortingandI fence. cheating