IVER.7. phefianr,Chap. chearing our hearts , theft we may toy, we find God as ir were fup- I pingwith us: heefinellingour.fpirituail facrifices, wee feedingof his comforts:when we find the fpiric confìrtning& flrengthening us, then we may feeGod repayring his houfe. t 1ahn.4..13. Hereby know wee, that we dwellin him andhe in tor, becaufbe hath given ws of his fpirit: Working truth in us and fpirituall peace. Zahn t 4. 57. But the fpirit is every where. Obieá, Aman,though he come into twenty houles, is not raid to dwell in Anfi. them all,but where he lodgeth, where he dineth and fuppeth, where heBoth reparations andbuildeth, there he is Paid properly to dwell:he is in others; as by the way, as a paltenger, or after the mannerofa flranger, not as an inhabitant and._mpfler of the houle. Secondly, this cleareth ro us the flare offuch asare without thefpi- . fi ; ngthé Not rit ofGod, they havenot God; for Gods dwelling in us is by meanes spirit, wicked ofhis fpirit: therefore theApo/ilefaith, ifthe fpirit ofChrift dwell not in ones. yáu,yoso are not his, Rom. 8. 9. Therefore not only finch forborne wretches as mocke at the fpirit, but all chofe that walke according to the flefh,they utterly be without God, in fuch onely the devill and hisAngels relde; they enter in anddwell there. Luke, t I. 26. leis true, there isa:doublepoflefïion: the thong man fpiritually doth hold all, till God by his fpirit come to re. enter. If youasks howSatan thould doe this andwe not aware a My anfwer is : The natural/ corruption HovVSatan which thou carrycil about thee, is confederate with the devil', yea of I adss ,yyet fuch frmilitude and likeneffe,that they can hardly be knowne the one from the other. Now as in anobfcure night much evil' may be done, andave not aware,efpecially if one ofour ovine family bee content- ing: fo in the night of the body , where God by his (putt is ahfent, muchvillany is pra%ifed by Satan,we not difcerning it, our owne fa- miliar flefh being the coadjutor and furtherer in all his malitious and impiòusproceeding.Now where the fpirit is,hebathput theflefh out of office,& taken awaythe keyes and government of the man,& over-ru- leth everypower of the foul:the fpirit in thy mind,the fpiritin thy con- fcience,in thy will, in thy heart, &whobutthe fpirit inall thy anions. A conlderationofgreat comfort that God, is come untous byhis fpirit. Art thou afflined at the fight of thy finnese Looke up to God, yf fitting in thy heart by his fpirit, whowill cure thee of every deadly Comfort to finne, and will purge thee from all thy uncleannetfe.' What if I have hesP;ided by reliques of corruption in my flethe Yet I know that I am not in it, nor led by ir, ifI have the fpirit of God dwelling by me; You are not in the ffethbut in the fpirit, feeing the fpirit ofGod dwelleth inyou. Ram, 8.9. Againe, am I in bondage under my corruption or tempta- tion! Where thefirit efthe Lord is there, is liberty; this fpirit is of pow- ertodeliver us and todiffolve the worksofthedevil!: Am I in feareof mydiffolution and doubt of my : cot. 3' r7. refurreetion ! If the fpirit of God dwell in thy foule, it !hall quicken thy dead body. Rem. 8. tr. if the ¡pint ofhim that 'railed up Jefus from the dead, dwell in you, bee that raifed up Chrifi from the dead 'hall alfo quicken your G ga mortall 3