THE PRINCIPALL MATTERS handled in the third CHAPTER. Verfe t. THe (cope of the third chapter what it is ) The Apoflleo writings are but a briefe The effeEtuall working of the Co_ oftheir Preaching'. fpell doth procure perfcention to the Mini tiers of it. I Verte 4. Other things areoft pretended, "but this is Thefop ofthe Apeles writing rods to he true taufe. revealeChrifl faffciently tofalvat,on. We have eaufe to fnfpett that the (]ofell `Readingofthe Wordis greatly profita. dothnot thronghly worse when the devil! let- I ble to as, yet is it not to bee matched with tech all be quiet. Preaching, rod can make that perfecutors of this ThePapilla are to bereproved whodtfpa_ Gofpell become c l,fartyrs for it, rage this exercife. Godsfaithfull fervanto arefubjell toper- , Sundry motives to provoke us tod dayly fecution reading ofGods word. We muff not be alhamed of oar tot rings for Chrifl, but rather rejoyce in them:When Verfe S. and in what afflittions weare to riJoyce. God doch net in all agesgive the like The fafferi,g offaithful! minifieri profits meapereof light to his Church. theirpeople. God bydegrees revealedthe Meiiah to his people. Verre 2. Goddid diverfelyorder his Church be- What di fpenfation is: The minifleriall cal fore thrill; but nowall isfully revealed. ling calledgrace, and why. They are fattifh which will beleeve no Y his willafore Miniflers that theirfuffe- more then theirfathers beleeved. dings arefor thegood of thepeople, if they Theyare amiffewho willallow no inter_ know they have acalling fromGod. proration of the Scripture, but out ofthe Cod dothdiftribute callings for the good Fathers. ofhisChurch. The benefitofehefe Evangelicalltimes1 As godgivethMiniferstheir calling, fo in having greaterlight then was underthe alfotheir people toward whom bee will blefe Law. their labours. SinceChrifl wehave the myfleryoffal_ The differenceof Apa/Iles , Pvangeliîts, vation morefully opened; and that in three andordinary Parlours; againft illimitedardi_ things; we muff thereforeyeeld thegreater nations; again/ the affectation of aconcourfe obedience. offlrangers to heare them,Ó'ofmuchpreach- god revealeth hisJeeredmyfleries unte ing abroad; Miniflers fhauldnot haflily re_ his Saints; the differenceofrevelationgran- movefrom theirflit charge to another; and tad to thegodly YJ tothewicked;menswick people are fpecially todepend upon their owne ed lives are thecaufeoftheir ignorance. Pectin gods Spirit doth reveale the things of Godunto to: means toobtain Gods Spi- rit. Verse 3. What revelation is, and thekinds of it. Whom rodfendeth, he al fo teaeheth. We haveby nature a vaile before our eyes, that we cannotfee f irituall matters till they be revealed. The dottrine offalvation is a thing hid- den to theworld, and how. Verte 6. It is the Gofpell which bringeth tie to faith, andfo to theheavenly inheritance. We arenot to be difcouraged from fol_ lowing theWord , neither bythe unworthi- neffeofthepreachers; nor by the confcience of