The principali matters ikons of the',Gofpell with the Minifers thereof; Our hearts may befalfe when in our .owne fenfe they feeme very found ; It is agoldfgne oftrue faithwhen we re- ceive Gods Miniftersand fticktothem in theirtrouble. There is a lanfullaffelling ofromeglo- rr,viz.fpiritHall, not carnallglory. It is a glorious thing to partake in the affli(lions'ofthe gotel! with the Mini- tiers. Such are unfound whowill countenance Miniherswhile they are incredit; but for- fake themwhenthey are in trouble. Verfe tq. Minihers mutt pray fortheir people as wellasteach them. Inprayerwe mull compofe our outward man to-due reverence': Outward geftures are toexpreffeinward affeitionsand to flue them up: What geftures are malt fitting prayer:Cautionstouching bodi1ggeStures in prayer. Vale's 5. Gods name iscalledon believers, It is thefpeciallgloryofChrifians to be taken intogods family ; Thepriviledges of godsfamily;Ofthefrgnijiicationofretr; i. The Scriptureacknowledged) but two places to receive believers, heavenandthe earth. Verfe 16. Richesafglory what. eflll ourfpirateall power is from gods richglorious power; wee muffacknowledge God for our ffrength, and grow up in fireagth inhim; nor muff webe difmatd at thefeeling of weakneffe. The Spirit ofGodworketh in us thepow- erwherewithwee ore confirmed,' How the Spirit dothfirengthen no. Our inner man mu(t be flrengthened; When wefeel our(elves weak, wemuff goe to the glorious ftrength ofGod ; Thereis want offhenjb in theforwardeff. of the third Chapter. .1 Verle 17. A threefoldprefence of Chrifi. We mughave communion with Chrift i f arewillbeftrengthenedwithhis Spirit; We have ecommunion not onely with the ver- tueof(Ma, but'alfo withhisperfon. There is a neare conjunilion betweene Chrifl anda believingfoule; This conjoin- t-lion implyetb three things. Thole thattruly receiveChrifl, receive himwith the heart. We have our unionwith Chuff byfaith; The Popifh faith ionottrefefaith. Verfe a S. Theflapsby which weproceed tobe roo- tedin the loveofChrift. Thefeelingof Chrifts love doth imbol- den ifs againftperfecutions:We muff marke the experiments whichgod fheweth us one way orother: We arenot able to receive all Chrifts loveat once.: They are deceived whothink!: that they can never againhave the love which at fcrjt they tatted : By marking experiments wee muff rife to an apprehenfson of gods love. Verle tg. Chrifls live is incomprehenfible. ChriFts love tonscanfidered in it felfe; The worksofit, and hisyelling in us. Diverskindesofthe fuloeffe of god. To bee wellgrowne ingrate lothmake ftandfallin evills:Our habituallgrace workethnot without the guickning of the holy Ghojt. By nature weareempego fGod:we mull feektobefilled with thefulneffeof god. Verle a®. God can,anddochworkemoffpowerfully for the goodofhis. Our thoughtsand prayers comefhort of thatwhich god dothfor soc. There is apower working in us which canaccomplitbour hearts delire. Thegodly onelytrulypraife God, Wemuffpraiji Godin Chrift. E Y H E'S