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34; 17arrlvçz.ce-iç.F-Ss k3e3k[161 ' gG r-->zfuFa^-) 13a,74- rréï3c-rfaE--3fstn-lik.4klL A COMMENTARY VPON THE THIRD CHAPTER OF THE Epiítle of P A u L to the Ephefians. CHAP. 3. VERS. I. For this caufe 1 PAUL, the Prifenor ofleftcs Chrift for you Gentiles. His Epiftle divided it Idle I told you into three parts: r. The Preface. a. The Matter. 3. The Conclufion. TheMatter containeth three bran- ches : r. It propounded the benefit fingly. a. Did illuftrate them by comparifon. 3. Did pre- vent the offence of his bonds , and fo make way for the better entertainingof that he formerlyde- livered: Such being his Apoftolicall care,left any thing fhould occafion them to run in vaine. The fcopeof it is to take away all diftaft ofhis condition and fo all prejudice ofhis dor`trine. The fummeof it may be comprifed in thefe two fyllogifmes. Whole bonds arecaufedby youand tend toyour good , you muff not beafhamed of hisbonds, but rejoyce in them rather: But becaufe of you I Paul am Prifoner, and for you,that is, for your further good and advantage: Therefore you muff not be afhamed of me nor of my bonds. The fecond part of this reafon is in the r. verfe. The conclufion in the 13. verle. From the r . verfe to the 13. he proveth this maine argument, bya profyllogifine,which youmay frame thus: He who bath a calling of God toyou Gentiles, the things hee loth or fuffereth inexecuting this calling, are for your good: But I have a gracious calling of God towards you. The The (cope of the third Chapter.