344 z Cora nzs. Doff. The crfet u,fl working of the Gofpell procureperfe- cution to the Minigers of it. Ephe¡ians,Chap.3. V E R. I. The I; is propounded in the 2. verle. Then it is amplified from parts ofir. I . From the relationofthe Gofpell made to him by God : verf. .4. 5.6. 2. From the Coínmiffionminifteriall which hee received from God: verf, II. 12 . The fecond fyllogifme is this: That which I ftrive for to God in prayer, thatyou are to take to heartaffuring your felves ofability thereunto. But I, &c. Ergo. Now forthe more particular unfoldingofthefe things, the gene- tall carriage whereofis thus contrived, firft for the words of this firft verfe. For this caufe:] that is, by reafon of the effe&of my Miniftery a- bove named,that you Epheftans of heliifh Caytives are now let in hea- ven with Chrift, are made one body with Gods people, buildedfo in Chrift, that God dwelleth inyou byhis Spirit;for this caufe : this is the efficient ofmy trouble. I Paulam the Prifenerforyou:]that is, I Paulwho fomerime did im- prifon thole who profeffed the doótrine ofChrift, am now that Prifo- foner,frequently in Prifen for Chrift hiscaufe,a Corr 1.23. And thatfor you:]that is,for your further good,tharyou may be edi- fied more in your holy faith, this being one end of the Saints fuffe- rings,. Here then are fundry things to he marked. GeWhat is thecaufe thatflirreth perfecution againfl the Jfiniflers of the The Perlon, I Paul: Where, r. You are to remember At c.9.12. where iris faid,Saulyet breath- ing out threatnings and (laughter againg the Difeiples ofthe Lord, went unto the High Priefl, andde/iredofhim letters to Da- mafcus, that ifhefoundany that were ofthat way be might bring them bound to lerufalem. .2. You are to marke , that heedoth not makedainty of hiseftate, concealing his name, but, fettethhis name as amountain in the text, as no whit blufhing at his bonds. 3. His Condition, Chrifis Pri footer. 4. The End,feryouGentiles. The I. Confideration doth teach,That the fruit ofthe Gofpell and the e Teti it taketh, doth occafion the t *tiniflers ofit perfecution. S. Paul did eethat thefruit ofhis Gofpell brought forth in the Gentiles, the . exchange oftheir eftate from darkneffe to light, thiswas thecaufe why bonds and imprifonmentdid betidehim. Thehiftory of thePrimitive Church doth cleere this; the word was no fooner fruitful( anywhere, but that the Devil' raged. ti11/s. 4. i6, 17. When Peter and John had preached the Gofpell with much power upon the hearts of the people, thewhole counfell oftheR tilers and Scribes were moved fay - ing, What /hall we doe to thefe men? Forfur ely a mamfefi fighe is done by them,