346 Ephefana,Chap.3, V $ x way elfe doeappeare, yet God can give it peace by turning the hearts oftheft that arcthe arch- enemies ofit. 3. That Paul fetteth downe this his condition a Prisoner of Chrift. Obi. hence, Doti. ?hatthe eflate ofthefaithfullfervants of God is fubjeCl to perfecution Gods faithful forChrtfl his fake : Mat.' 0.16,17.2 Tim.3.11.they muff not look to be Ifervanes are receivedwith the world as if they were herown,but to be intreated as ecu no per- fuch whom the world knowethnot,acknowled'eth not: So Chrift,his Prophets, his Apofiles, they didkiffe the Prisons fometime, and fuller violent outrage at the hands ofthe wicked: neither can it beotherwife. eafm r. For the Minifters of Chrift cannot be pleafirs ofmen, Gal.r. lo. if ifhauld ideatemen, Iwere not thefervant ofChrift. Pleafers of men in indifferent things for their good and edification, theymay; pleafers of Rom:rq: _. thenaturall man in the way ofhis finfull delight, they cannot. Let e- very man pleafehis neighbour inthat that isgood to edification. 2.4.fou s. A fecond reafon, becaufe that Christ will bee knowne not to bee a King after themanner of this world: the Fávorites ofgreat Potentates are all great Pcrfonages, Dukes, Marqueffes, Earles, &c. But Chrift his outward favours are imprifonments, ignominy, thefe are thecloth ofhiseftate which his fervants weare for his fake; his dearest fervants. Reafan 3. Christ would havethem thus intreated by the world , fubjell as weake men to all their violence, that the power which fubdued the world to God might appeare not to beofthem, but of God. 2.Cor. 4. 7. We have this .treafure in earthen vef fells that the excellency of that power might beofGod,andnot ofue. Yfe. This therefore muff warneus bothMinifters and other as in aglaffe to take viewwhat may be our condition; we muff not dreameof Pa- Ephtt6. e;. radife, but prepare with thepreparationofthe Gofpell ofPeace, with get- A1au ;o.16. ting innocency ofthe dove,ferpent -like wifdome , to undergoe affliEtion: It is not thewill ofGod,that becaufe our condition now trieth not that which theApoftles found,that therefore weshould put evill far from us, that we fhould fingwith the Prieft,Hic regales mea , and fay in our hearts, Our mountain (hall notbe shaken, our cftate (hall not bee ex- changed. 4. That S. Paul Both not blanch the matter or Ihrinke any whit as afhamedofthis,eftate, but faithboldly, I Fault-hat Prifoner ofchrili, it doth teach us; that wee muffnot beeashamed ofthe things weePufferfor Chrifl but rather glory in them. Of this three things. 1. We prove it. 2. We anfwer thisqueftion,Whether all our affliEtions muff be rejoyced in. 3.What use weare to makeofit. 1 TheScripture isplaine; it isfaid of the Apofiles after they had been e& beaten, and shamefullyabufed, Theydepartedfrom the pretence of the s 5.4 t. Councell, rejoycing that they were accounted worthy to fuf fer thane for his name. Ofthis Paul glorieth, z Cor. I t. 23. In labours more abundant them Doti. We mußnot be alharned of our fufferings for Quiff., bur rather rejoyce in them.