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350 Epbeflans,Chap.3. V e R. t.! Doff,z. z. That God is fsid to difpenfegrace, it doth give us to confider: °bue`it That the Lorddothdiftributecallings for the good o fhis hau f which is his tinge for the Church: the force of this word L.owio noteth fo much:for to difpenfe is good of Ills to giveout this or that one bath in common, by number, weight, mea- Church. Cure, as fitteth the family. He is a wife houfliolder whole dealing mini- aerial! gifts,and difpenfing ofthem,is full of wifdom,as anhis works in Pfal4o4. 54; genera& are done inunderftanding: Thus the lavesfought afrgne,God gave '; them Peter,great infignesandwonders, fuch whofc words were won- ders, feeing they knew them not to have beetle matriculated inany Schoolesoflearning: fo the Gentilesfull ofwifdome , the Lord gave to them S. Paul, full of learning, able to encounter their deepeft Philo- fophers in difputarion. pp. Which mull makeus , where wee know God bath given a calling, to fubfcribe to it asmolt behoovefull for the Church; fo the giftsofe- I very faithfull Minifter, toknow that they are moll wifely divided, the ¡ difpenfation of God himfelfe concurring hereunto. i The Taft thing to bee marked in the verfe is this : that Paul faith: Deft. Which is given to you. obf. hence. That as the Lord doth give a As God giveth calling andgrace, fa a people towards whom it is ofecially ble/fedwithGods Miring their calling andgrace, there are apeople defigned towards whom it is a¡ecian 1 calling,Co alto J y their people bleffed. It is true the Apoftle had a more large flock, thecare ofall Chip.. towards whom ches was upon hint; but wherefoever God giveth a calling, there he gi- be vain blurs. veth a people of the Minifter may fa toward you grace is gi- their lal,ours. P P Y ye s Corr:. s. ven me ofGod. A17s 2 o. 28. Take heed to your Delves, andto all theflock, Ads :o. as. over whichthe Holy Ghoft bathmadeyouovert ers. i Pet. c. z. ,Feed the ' The flock ofGodWhich is amongyou. God bath aftigned every ordinary Mi- differ<na ofApoftles, E- miler aportionof his people: for this is thedifference betwixt extraor- orrs and ordinadinsry a- dinary, as the Apoftles, Evangelifts, the yo Difciples , and our or- P fiours, dinary Paftors. The Apoflles had a univerfall Cornmi(hon, and the Evangelifts were delegates of the Apottles durante beneplacito: the 70. ifnot Evangelifts (which fome of the Ancients incline to) yet they were illimited helpers and fellow - labourersin the worke of the Lord. But ordinaryMinisters, the Lord commanded to fatten them to err- Tie. s. 5. raine places. Tit. t. S. ordainElders city by city. And in the councell Mo.Pu,c XE/Pm- TOVEt19N Ism- ofChalcedon the 6. chapter, it is decreed, Let none he ordained at large, atn°µvo, left heprovea Wandring Jonathan. Every Minifter tuna be Ne dìcatur, Mendieat in I. Separated. ralzura infz- h a. Authorifed. lia Ciervos. 3. Have allotted tohim a certain portionofpeople which may Gratschoaf}. be inftrui`icd by him, which the diminutive wo,Mdoe not vroiorismay teem to infinuate. Now as God Bothgive everyPallor his feverall flock, fohe will that we travaile in leading of them. Wemull not ,b,wreuwu- eeursv,bc B B. inother mens Dioceffes , left God fay, Who required this at your hands.: When the Lord lighteth candles, flee doth find candlefticks onwhich to fet them, and when heegiveth a calling, hee giveth a people among ft whom this funêìion fhould be exercifed, in whole confcienceshe doth give his Mininfter a fpeciall report. The