Veit. I. phefians, Chap.z. The calling of Miniftery is not like a degree in Schoolcs , which I giveth honourand teflifieth qualification, but injoyneth no labour , s a Do&or of Phyfick hath a degreeput upon him , though it cotnpell him not to have Patients whereon topraótife: But the Miniftery is a14- 447, boar in Word and Doc -trine , and therefore there mull bee rhofe with whom this labourmuff be imployed. This then doth ferve toconfute thole illimited ordinations , which* Ili ,, doe call to Miniftery, without allottingany particular people toward Again1 ìuìnú- whomthis grace fhould bedifpenfed, which doth tend to nothing but serf ordì"'°- tobreed avagrant Miniftery,(like that of lonathan the Levite) which might profer their fervice where they might find entertainment , a thing moft ill befeeming thedignity offo facred a calling as this is. It ferveth to infttud bothMiniftcrs and people,Miniffers in this,that vpe z, they are to know that God hath given them as a calling, fo gifts ofcal. ling, report to thefe gifts principally toward them whoare their charge and people : which if it were feticd in the hearts of men,it would re- forme a three-foldwant: For often there is in mer an affectation ofthe Confluenceof ([rangers , when our hearts doe not fo fervently im- Agatntt the 2f- brace our owne, as they doe delight in Peeing aconcourfe ofthofe feetationof who doe not fodirectly belongto us. If any come to our congrega. concourfc of dons as wanting, (for hunger breakcth the ffone wall) then it is good fi"" for a Minifter tobe like a young woman, fo full breafled that Thee can both feed her owne fat, and lend a draughtto her neighbourschild in cafe ofabfence. Butto let anitchofvaine-glory carryus fo farre as to andmuahpre, affectthis that commeth fromwithout and be cold at home, this is to ching abroad. forget where our grace principallylyeth. Let this be marked of fuch who out oflightneffe andvaine-glory, or by infrigationof fuch friends as Chrift had, whowould have him make himfelfe knowne at lerufa- lem, are lavifhof labour among thofe whodepend not on them; nurfe abroad, and let theirowne cryat home. Which I fpeake not to puta fword in a mad. mans hand, or towipe Chriftian labours foberlyaffor- ded, for there is a place towater abroadas well asto plant at hotne;but tocut downe too too laviflì labours from our owne, which ifwe would take (hotter we fhould fee them more eff'eéìuall when they wereaffor- ded: and ifwee did thinke that grace were given chiefly to our owne people, many words would bee needlefle to this purpofe. You are ftarres, and the bellThine is in your owne fpeare. Yet this mutt notbe With whatczu- tion a MìniRet conceived as if it were not lawfull in fome cafes to lendour labour maydifpenfe elfewhere; for (due circamftances confidered) we may fay, Came helpe the word toa tee in Macedonia, as Paul, wee may water where others haveplanted: péá;, °unh °S And it hath alwayes been the cuftome from Primitive times, asde- charge. mew teflifieth lib. a. conflit. cap. 48. that ifany Presbyter or Bifhop ARS doe came to another, they (hall be intreated to preach, the former gi. vinga reafon5 itfalling out as Chrift faith, that aProphet is not without Mat. 13, 57; honour, but in his owneceuntrey. This fhould make Miniulers mote wary in tranflating themfelves 3 from thofeto whom Godbath once given them: Ifa man were per- ft i 35'