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352 Minifers fhould not ha- ftu y remove from their firft chargetoano- ther. Peeoopleare fpe- cially te do- pend on their owne Patlour. VflR.3. What revelati- on is, and the hinds nun. Ephefans,Chap. 2.. V E R. 3. fwaded that Godas hee gave him this or that people, fo hee did give him gracetoward them in a fpeciall manner, hee would feare left ac- cepting a newpeople, hee fhould want his old grace. They fay that firth as have lovedonceto parpofe, cannot love againe: it is true here, that ifmen in rafting the grace ofGod had ever taken in a love of a people, they could never love fo lightly as many doe, but thefe flickering ro- ving perfons from oneplace to another , doe teftify that they never knew what that office and grace of God meant, but the benefice is the morfell at which their moutheswater. This dothalto ferveto inffruét people to depend efpeciallyon thofe that are fet overthem, for thofeare they who are furnifhcd from God in an eminent manner with grace toward you. They are foolifh pi- geons that knownottheirowne lockers,and foolifh fheep that know not their fhepheardsvoyce ; and fooli(h people that know not their Minifter. Neither mutt this be taken as if wewould clacke you altoge- ther under our wings, or fought further property then wee have, butit is your good which doth enforceus to fpeak it, for till youknow yourfhepheards fet over you, the wolfedoth threaten you. God give every people a teacher that wee might not bee blowen up with the windydoEtrine of everyfeducer: And lookeas it is in marriage, it is not the havingahusband which maketh a wife free from all undermi- nersof Chaftity, but the loving herhusband : So in this marriageof Parlour and people, it is not the havinga Preacher which doth fecure you from feducers,but your acknowledgingofhim and dependingon him in the Lord. V E R 5. 3. How that byrevelation he made knownunto me the my- flery (as 1 wrote afore in fewwords. Now followeth the explication of this grace, which hath two branches. r. His enlightening. 2. His Commiffion. The r. to the 7 verfe. the s. to the r 3. verfe. His enlightening hath three Confiderations. r. Themanner. a. The matter ¡Propounded. ZProved. 3. The thing wherein hewas taught, amplified from thepro - perty,in the 5.verfe;and fubjed about which it is conver- fant in,the 6. verfe. For the openingofthemanner, wemußt know , r. What is meant by revelation. 2. Thekindes of it. r. To defcribe itfrom the force ofthe word; it is the taking away the vaylewherewith any thing is co- vered. There are twokindes ofit. Ordinary which the Spirit worketh in the Word. Extraordinary, that is mediate, by the benefit of feeing and hea- ring; thus the Apoftle had extraordinary revelation, yet the things which theyfaw, heard and handled,thofe they taught, i Johns. Immediate