IVE R ; 8phefaans, Chap.3. I 31; Immediate, without the benefit of fenfe , as t/iEls to. and Paul, i z Car. 12. Pauls revelation may be underftood either ofa mixt , or of this latter kind , for it had fotnewhatdiffering from the more timely Apoftles. 1. Then that the Apoftlehaving calling fromGod , received his meffage and inftruátions from him, he doth teach us, that Thof whom God fendeth, God alp teacheth to that purpof. Wee fee -12°,11- Princes doe not difpatch Embaffadours, but they furnifh them 4iirft I Fe áeh he alto with Precepts, and with their pleafure which they would have figni- tcacheth. fled, fo doth God in Chrift , fending any to men. A scribe mnfl bee Mar.13. ça. taught to the kingdome of God. And our Saviour Chrift fends out his Apoftles with this Commiffion, Teach rohatfoever I have commanded alai. =ß.=o. you: So Paul 1 Cor. r I. 23. What Ihave receivedofthe Lord, that have I deliveredunto you. Now this teaching is of diverfe forts: mediate, or immediate; in the fpirit, or inthe letter, as in the eleven and Iudas: Buthowfoever the Lord fendeth none, but hefirft fo informeth them, that that they can fignifyhis pleafure. So that it lettethus feewhat weeare to thinke ofthem that are runne upon the Miniftery withouttheir errand in their mouth, they runne, but Icrem, =;.,,r. GodPentthem not. True it is that theymay enter thus, and after be en- abled : Some mensfaultsgoe before, andfeme follow after, nevertheleffe this is certaine , till their repentance , that humbling themfelves, they have found force fupply oftheir wants, they arenot to be reckoned as fens fromGod. It muffteach us to feek the knowledgeofGods willbefore we take Yfe 2 uponus to makepublication ofit: Looke Gal. x.16. Paul faith of him- felfethat hewas calledofGods grace and that God revealed his Sonne in him, that hefhouldpreach himamong the Gentiles. Yea we fhould feek this not in the letter, but intruth and power, that wee maynot fpeake ofthefethings as men doe of countries which they never faw but in themappe. 2. That Paul by revelation commeth to learn; which fignifieth the taking awayofa vayle. Obferve hence, That allofnahave a vayle on our eyes which letteth tiefrom feting DaEl. theft things till they are revealed. Paul was noCyclops but quick. fight- we have by ed,and yet till thefe things were by revelation opened to him , he did nature a voile notunderftand them: So it is, we have fcales on all our eyes , which ea= willnot let us fee till the Lord make them fall off, ignorance doth fee fpiriruall dole up the fightof theminde, till the Lord with thebeanies of his matters till light Both difperfe it: we areall borne blind from our birth, andcannot k7 here°``_ conceive or comprehend the myfteries of grace andofChrift ; the naturalmanperceiveth not the things of Godneither canhe , becaufe they r Cor.=14. areffirituallydiperned. HereuponDavid prayeth, open mineeyes that Pfal,rry.,a. I may fee the wonders ofthy Law ; it isnot want of light in the Scri- ptures, but vayles ofdarkneffe over our eyes, that keep us from feeing. For while the heart is vayled, the eye cannot fee as it íhould: and as this corporali and afpe6table light comming intoa room`, maketh all the